Example sentences of "[coord] [verb] further than " in BNC.

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1 As man has always had the desire to compete , whether by running against one another , or throwing further than another man , it was obvious that with the advent of the motor car in the 19th-century , another form of rivalry would soon start .
2 It 's wider , has more leg room and reclines further than ever before .
3 When our member then appealed to the Regional Secretary and said , well , I think I do wan na appeal and go further than this because I feel I 'm right , what letter did we then get in reply .
4 It placed a disproportionately severe restriction on the defendant 's right to compete after leaving the employment and went further than was reasonable in the interests of the parties .
5 They will not win the World Cup , but going further than England would be the next best thing .
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