Example sentences of "[noun prp] declared its [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The political battle has been smouldering since Ukraine declared its independence in August .
2 Under the agreement Spain declared its support for full Hungarian membership of the EC as soon as possible .
3 At an extraordinary session of the Supreme Soviet on Aug. 31 , Uzbekistan declared its independence and changed its name to " Republic of Uzbekistan " .
4 China declared its support for the international ban on the importation of African ivory in June last year .
5 The State of Israel declared its independence in 1948 after the termination by the United Kingdom of its mandate .
6 The State of Israel declared its independence in 1948 .
7 The Communist Party ( PCP ) , which had in August declared its approval of the attempted coup in the Soviet Union , lost nearly half its seats , obtaining only 8.8 per cent of the vote and 17 seats on a joint platform ( the United Democratic Coalition — CDU ) with smaller leftist parties .
8 Iran declared its neutrality in the First World war , but most Iranian sympathy lay with German because she was fighting Great Britain and Russia .
9 When Bosnia 's Serbs rejected the plan , Belgrade declared its border with Bosnia closed except for food and medicines .
10 A fortnight later they announced themselves as the Provisional Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and a few days after that , on 2 September , as the climax to weeks of stupendous political demonstrations , Vietnam declared its independence .
11 ‘ Our Government in Dublin declared its neutrality . ’
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