Example sentences of "[noun prp] insisted [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Seton 's body was quickly reinterred and , despite Sir James ' protests , Corbett insisted that his escort accompany him back to the Abbey of Holy Rood .
2 When the illicit treat was over Richard insisted that they find their benefactor , now at work in the hot , wasp-infested interior of the raspberry cage , and thank him .
3 But again , what is often left out of such accounts of the unconscious , even as it is invoked as the prime destabilizer , is the importance of the perversions in precisely this respect : Freud insisted that what is operative from within the unconscious , producing this very instability , is repressed perversion .
4 But Freud insisted that there was no sharp dividing line between ‘ normal ’ and ‘ neurotic ’ people , and would have argued that similar , though less extreme , obsessions and apparently inexplicable compulsions can be found in all of us .
5 Sue insisted that we take her telephone number and told us that we should feel able to ring her at any time , day or night , with any problem , however trivial it seemed .
6 The family received me very warmly and Signora Ugolotti insisted that I should have something to eat : white coffee made with acorns , and home-made bread .
7 Although Gregory insisted that he was related to thirteen of his predecessors in the see , his family was most obviously connected with Burgundy and the Auvergne , and a local priest , Riculf , saw him as an outsider .
8 Louisa felt a little helpless before his diffident manner , and she was surprised when Emilia insisted that she remain in the room throughout Frere 's third visit ; surprised and discomfited , for it was not a happy interview .
9 Diplomatic throughout , Dr Greenspan insisted that he was no expert on the Soviet economy , and had not come to offer instant solutions .
10 Latimer pleaded for time to prepare a defence to the charges against him , but William of Wykeham insisted that he should answer them immediately .
11 Hopper insisted that he wanted these lads in the film , not the one the production people had selected .
12 Sukarno insisted that it had to go on ‘ with united forces and tireless energy ’ .
13 This afternoon Gould insisted that he would n't be changing his mind .
14 However , in an interview from his home in the Army 's Dhaka cantonment on Dec. 9 Ershad insisted that he was still planning to contest the forthcoming parliamentary , and possibly presidential , elections .
15 And when Jumblatt insisted that he would order his men to advance into east Beirut , Assad had angrily walked out of the meeting .
16 Some who had driven over the Berwyns insisted that they had had to put their headlights on , and this in the middle of a July day .
17 While she was still a novice , Stephen insisted that her daily rides should be accompanied by a groom .
18 Whilst I saw myself as the hero 's faithful sidekick got up as I was in cowboy gloves with real leather fringes , two guns in holsters buckled on and tied around the leg for fast draws , ten gallon hat and waistcoat , Skippy insisted that I be the daughter of the murdered rancher whose cattle were being rustled .
19 Only the pain was getting rather tedious and Meg insisted that I had it done now before I retired , on the theory I suppose , that better in the Government 's time than my own . "
20 The board is also having to readvertise for a replacement to Dr Forwell after Mr Fyfe insisted that he must have a say in the appointment .
21 The US repeatedly asked Israel to ensure that Harari , aged 62 , to leave Panama , but Israel insisted that he was a private citizen , a claim which was treated with considerable scepticism by Washington .
22 Accusations that one group had stolen ideas from the other were soon flying ; Jones showed notebooks of his investigations going back to 1986 and cited a paper written in 1985 ; for their part Fleischmann and Pons insisted that their effort had begun in 1985 , all of which added to the perception that the fusion claims were important and the patents worth fighting for .
23 Gilbert , Gilbert insisted that we provide coffee for all the people
24 Adam insisted that they left the AmTrak Crescent at its penultimate stop in New Jersey .
25 Franco had been grateful to receive Italian planes in July and August , but he was not happy with the massive despatch of foot-soldiers , partly because Mussolini had the temerity to send more than had been agreed , and partly because the Duce insisted that they were not deployed as part of the Spanish Army , but formed an independent corps , with their own officers .
26 Mobutu insisted that he be allowed to name the Defence Minister .
27 Despite widespread calls for Hashimoto 's resignation , Kaifu insisted that he would retain his portfolio .
28 Even when the dissatisfied chants of fans were clearly audible from this potato 's couch , Watt insisted that they 'd got their money 's worth from Eubank 's great display .
29 As late as Sept. 3 Palmer insisted that he would lead the party into the election but , at a caucus of Labour MPs on the following day , he resigned after it became clear that many of those present — including a sizable portion of the Cabinet — had withdrawn their support .
30 The American ambassador sent his CIA station chief to ask Walters what he was really doing in Morocco at this of all time Walters insisted that his visit had nothing to do with the Shah .
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