Example sentences of "[noun prp] gets his [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 By the simple device of warning his readers to expect the worst , de Pomiane gets his message across .
2 Soccer Kendall gets his England clause and Swales gets his man .
3 Sailing Bond gets his reward for 20 years of trying .
4 ‘ Ah , ’ Frau Nordern sighed , ‘ it will be nice when Hans gets his promotion .
5 And it comes to the first of August , and Graham gets his car , his new X J S , and I get my new Lada , and we 've been out at midnight doing all this , but we come to the branch in the morning , and he parks his X J S there , and I park my Lada next to it .
6 So one would image that the latest new fangled marketing initiative at Vaux-owned Swallow Hotel in Gateshead gets his backing .
7 And what if Mr Ashdown gets his way : a coalition government later this month which introduces electoral reform and thus commits Britain to more coalition governments for the indefinite future ?
8 But Mr Kaifu gets his share of luck .
9 They all meet later , and Kevin gets his revenge .
10 Tony Jacklin gets his OBE upgraded to a CBE ‘ for services to golf ’ .
11 Teddy gets his promotion after punching the agency 's biggest client , a sociopathic film-star , thus proving his honesty in a town of yes-men .
12 ‘ We do hope Mr De Klerk gets his mandate but I do not want to say there will be a review of policy in our dealings with his administration .
13 Cook gets his chance
14 Carrickcruppin 's Keith Quigley gets his chance in the right corner of the defence , while in the last line of attack Shane McConville and Barry O'Hagan have been included , alongside the experienced Kieran McGurk .
15 Police inquiry desks in Darlington will be staffed by civilians rather than policemen , leaving more officers to go out on the beat , if the Chief Constable of County Durham gets his way .
16 ‘ Where Osman gets his money from . ’
17 That 's where Stevie gets his oxy oxy ethane bit from .
18 Another does n't vote , because he 's deputy speaker , so Major gets his way in Central South .
19 Cooke added : ‘ Clarke gets his chance because of his pace and he deserves it .
20 Paul gets his control back .
21 BOOMERANG : Love 'em and leave 'em adman Eddie Murphy gets his come-uppance when his firm is taken over .
22 BOOMERANG : Faithless adman Eddie Murphy gets his come-uppance .
23 2 ( — ) BOOMERANG : Love 'em and leave 'em adman Eddie Murphy gets his come-uppance when his firm is taken over by a woman in this frivolous star vehicle .
24 3 ( 2 ) BOOMERANG : Love-them-and-leave-them adman Eddie Murphy gets his come-uppance when his firm is taken over in this star vehicle .
25 However , if the determined Mr Welch gets his way , building the boundary-less company could make the 1990s just as traumatic .
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