Example sentences of "[noun prp] sat [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Lewis-Ann sat under a huge umbrella , fully clothed , complaining bitterly about being too hot .
2 The Reichsführer sat at an oak table working his way through a mound of papers .
3 Gurder , Angalo and Pion sat under a bush .
4 Miss Hazelwood sat at a high centre desk , seemingly reading a book .
5 Miranda and Angus sat in a velvet-lined , crimson booth that reminded her of an old-fashioned railway carriage .
6 Creed sat on a chair by the window , gloved hands in his lap , one wrist resting on the other .
7 Lij Yasu sat on a dais in front of the throne .
8 Mister Johnny sat on a stool , his cheek pressed into the cow 's smooth , swollen side as he milked her .
9 Putting the plates down , Bella sat in a chair and pulled Jinny towards her .
10 Galvone sat in a chair , wriggled his feet .
11 He 'd been shown to the interview room where Scott sat with a uniformed officer close by the door .
12 Richard sat on a bed and watched her for several dances before claiming her again .
13 Roald Dahl sat in a garden shed with an array of pencils and erasers on a board across his knees .
14 Eleanor sat in a chair .
15 Delia Sutherland sat on a bench , the river view blocked by a public lavatory .
16 At the Lock , Marie sat in a hollow in the sand-hills by the canal and waited for the magic to start ; she waited for everything to be made all right .
17 Timekeepers waited in the heavy rain for the teams to pass , a doctor sat in his tent for potential patients and a journalist from the French daily sports paper L'Equipe sat with a telephone plastered to his ear filing a story to Paris .
18 FERGUS sat in a glass case resplendent in Limerick Green .
19 Carrefour sat on a low wall that stretched out from the side of a building , leaning his back against the building 's wall and tootling to himself on a child 's flute .
20 George Gardiner and Alfred Sherman sat in an anteroom ready at an instant to do her bidding .
21 Ruth sat on an upright bentwood chair in front of the wash stand in her bedroom , and stared at her reflection in the looking-glass .
22 Wallace Ellwood sat on a lip of rock above the path that led to Meer 's Point and waited for Tom Carey to appear .
23 As an invalid might , or a child , Wallace Ellwood sat in a chair by the window of his apartment and watched the traffic go by .
24 Mrs Wilson sat in an armchair opposite .
25 Mr Cooper was not present but Mr Croydon sat behind a huge desk , a bland smile on his face .
26 Then , Wigglesworth sat like a pensioner in the 50p front row seats , gawping at the Halle through overture , concerto and symphony .
27 Colt sat at a table outside the café that saw everything that moved in the village .
28 Kelly Connor sat on an old garden bench in Dermot 's orchard thinking of her father and the past .
29 Robert sat at a vacant space and put his head in his hands .
30 Imagine Lee sat in a bottle .
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