Example sentences of "[noun prp] himself has been " in BNC.

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1 By 1965 or so this had all gone , but Medalla himself has been too bouncy and inventive to obey the arid strictures of minimalism .
2 Dr Garfield himself has been as cautious as anyone in making claims for his technique , not least because it does not allow one to predict which specialities the Nobel authorities will single out for acclamation .
3 Having elaborated the paradoxical conditions of historicity , of any history or totalization , Derrida himself has been particularly concerned to analyse those such as Husserl , Heidegger or Levinas , who have been involved in investigations of time and temporality .
4 But Mr Yeltsin himself has been unable to give the miners public support because their strike threatens Russia 's stubborn attempts to plough its lonely furrow of economic reform .
5 One of its Knesset members is in prison for stealing from its own coffers , another has been charged with cooking the books and Mr Deri himself has been under police investigation for suspected financial irregularities for more than two years .
6 I think Jeff Beck used samples of my sound on his ‘ Workshop ’ album , plus Dave himself has been using samples of my sound — if he puts me out of work , he 's in trouble …
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