Example sentences of "[vb past] accuse her [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She 'd fled , but not before he 'd accused her with brutish , angry words of a number of character and personality deficiencies , the greatest of which appeared to be her total inability to appreciate the finer qualities of Marcus Pritchard .
2 Mrs Maugham was a great shopper in large department stores , and she could not resist their sillier notions ; if anyone had accused her of extravagance , she would have roundly rebuffed the accusation as fantastic and perverse , and yet she must have spent many useless pounds in her pursuit of useful acquisitions Similarly , she always maintained that she hated clutter-clutter , implying , in her tone , the dense decorative drawing-room knick-knacks of Victorian England and yet clutter reigned in all her rooms .
3 She recalled his expression as he had accused her of knowing where Garry was , and she knew he was n't the kind of man to give up easily .
4 She did n't remember that only minutes before he had accused her of being another man 's discarded woman .
5 Because Florian Jones had made him believe that she was innocent of all that he had accused her of .
6 The headmaster himself had accused her of only joining up for the uniform .
7 It was the fact that Emma had accused her of not doing anything to prevent her being molested .
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