Example sentences of "[vb past] her face [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Even so , a little frown of apprehension clouded her face as her thoughts strayed to the hours ahead .
2 The man stroked her face and hair , soothed her whimpering , kissed her bruises , shushed in her ear .
3 Tenderly , he massaged her face until there was no cream left .
4 The chill air cooled her face and seemed to sweep her problems into the distance .
5 A fine cold sweat dampened her face and neck .
6 She used her face and hands much more than the average Englishman , though perhaps not more than the average Italian .
7 The movement revealed her face as it might have been when she was young , comely and a temptation to coachmen .
8 She dried her face and hands and then opened the fridge door .
9 His hands cupped her face as he moved over her sensuously and Maggie moved beneath him , her breath a wild gasping sound that brought more pressure from the sleek , demanding body .
10 His hand cupped her face as he seemed to delve into her soul .
11 His hand cupped her face and his lips searched for hers gently .
12 He cupped her face and looked deep into her eyes .
13 He lifted her face and stroked the hair from her eyes .
14 Mortified , she turned her face and hid it in the crook of her arm .
15 Mrs Simpson turned her face and looked out of the window .
16 Julia , wearing a black leather jacket and faded jeans , hid her face as she scurried through Heathrow .
17 His hand captured her face and turned her towards him in the old domineering manner but his eyes were not at all hard .
18 The slim , perfectly manicured , fingers touched her face and hair like a swarm of honeybees exploring a bed of exotic flowers .
19 The warm evening air brushed her face and tugged at her hair as the car sped south .
20 She struggled , but he scratched her face and body and then ran off .
21 In ready response , his embrace grew masterful , and they clung together as he kissed her face and neck repeatedly , each time catching her lips with more desire and more breathless pleasure .
22 Colour flooded her face as she tried to struggle to her feet , desperate to evade the hand that was stretched towards her .
23 She was too stunned to really see the way the car shattered the wide expanse of glass and then she instinctively covered her face as jagged pieces flew out into the street .
24 He was almost sure that it was all a revelation to her and he watched her in sad silence as she covered her face and shook with sobs .
25 Miranda left the room quickly , so that her mother should not see the redness that covered her face and neck at the very thought of seeing Miles in bed … in pyjamas .
26 Squatting toad-like in a blue and white china soap-dish with a Greek key design was a worn cake of common household soap , coarse-textured and yellow and marked with dirty thumbprints from careless usage , which stung her face and probably corroded it .
27 He watched her face before he entered her .
28 He watched her face as she scanned the street and the square ahead for a few seconds and then moved on .
29 Rachaela examined her face and body .
30 The secret language , the underground stream that forced through her like a river , that rose and danced inside her like the pulling jet of a fountain , that wetted her face and hands like fine spray , that joined her back to what she had lost , to something she had once intimately known , that she could hardly believe would always be there as it was now , which waited for her and called her by her name .
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