Example sentences of "[vb past] make [adj] use " in BNC.

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1 Three of the schools visited made regular use of a video recording of The Machine Gunners as a basis for a further topic work .
2 You would have the right only if you 'd made good use of your experience of life . ’
3 She had learned the harp because she had once been told that she had beautiful elbows , and harp playing seemed to make better use than most careers of the Lord 's stingy gift .
4 The other development officer predicted making considerable use of volunteers as well as paid carers : ‘ it may be that we have two types of carer , an informal unpaid visiting service , and then the regular paid carers ’ .
5 Under Malcolm Fraser the party began to make effective use of its support in Fleet Street .
6 In the summer of 1945 he began to make more use of the enormous scope that the interim regime gave him to shape the future of the country .
7 Revisionist scholars began to make full use of the primary material published in the Soviet Union in the 1920s ; the cultural thaw and the opening up of debate among specialists within the Soviet Union increased readiness to take seriously new research by Soviet scholars ; from the late 1950s a series of cultural exchange agreements between the USSR and the major western democracies facilitated western scholars ' access to Soviet libraries and , to a much more limited extent , to archives .
8 It took time before Byrnes began to make full use of the American foreign service , let alone to give much thought to working with the British Foreign Office .
9 When they did make extensive use of it for coinage , however , the high zinc and low iron content of the coins indicates that they must have used metallic zinc rather than cementation .
10 Higher social groups appeared to make more use of health services in relation to need however ( Brotherston 1976 ; Forster 1976 ) and research published shortly after the Black Report argued that they also obtained a disproportionate share of NHS resources when ill ( Le Grand 1982 ) .
11 Both Edward I and Edward II had made substantial use of the traditional feudal levy for raising an army , summoning all tenants-in-chief of the crown to serve unpaid with a set quota of men for forty days .
12 He had made good use of the last few days .
13 Going further back again , local authorities had made good use , on a comparative basis , of national reading surveys .
14 He had reason to believe , he said , that the Normans in Herefordshire had made good use of the Roman building-materials ready to hand , and there was no reason why others should not do the same .
15 This summer was the first anyone had made much use of the pool .
16 While the preparatory drafts , drawn up in Rome before the Council opened and very largely rejected by the fathers , had made heavy use of scholastic terminology and not much of Scripture — as was generally characteristic of pre-conciliar theology — the Council almost systematically reversed this , eliminating scholastic terms again and again and falling back on biblical ones .
17 Investigator Ken Randall found Gooda Walker had made unorthodox use of ‘ time and distance ’ insurance policies , which led to a possible £10 million overstatement of profits for 1988 on one syndicate , 290 .
18 In their petition , the Gascon clergy and nobility reminded Edward that his predecessors as ‘ lords ’ ( domini ) of Aquitaine , and their seneschals , had made full use of this assembly and that it was a valuable weapon in his armoury against the pretensions of the king of France and his officers .
19 Staff questionnaires have also been used to a limited extent in many schools , but only a third of teachers had made considerable use of this method .
20 Faccenda argued that its former employees had made improper use of a ‘ package ’ of confidential information , ie names and addresses of customers , the best routes to take to reach them , details of their usual requirements , times of Faccenda 's usual deliveries and , above all , information about Faccenda 's prices .
21 The employer 's business was supplying fresh chickens and it was alleged that the employee had made wrongful use of sales information such as customers ' names and addresses .
22 Bush 's statement followed reports that he was " upset , angry and perplexed " by Sununu 's apparent efforts to circumvent travel restrictions imposed by Bush on May 9 , after an inquiry had revealed that Sununu had made widespread use of military aircraft for personal and Republican Party business .
23 But Harold was not to be soothed : he demanded retribution , he demanded action , not so much because of the ridicule but because at some stage in the programme it was alleged that he had made advantageous use of privileged or secret material in an improper fashion in relation to a book he was then about to publish .
24 Cameron continued to make intelligent use of the ball .
25 He had to make greater use of his sense of hearing in order to compensate .
26 It is notable , however , that although titled nobles were very prominent in the highest ranks in the college it still had to make extensive use of commoners , since even in the 1750s it was impossible to find enough dvoryane ( members of the privileged landowning class ) with an adequate knowledge of foreign languages .
27 If it were mine and I wanted to make serious use of the bass , I 'd probably take the E and A drones off , as one could argue that they do n't do enough on top of the heavier bass strings , which might be better used for playing ‘ proper ’ bass lines .
28 You would need to be selective and have many to choose from if you wanted to make regular use of this kind of material .
29 In general , larger firms tended to make more use of qualifications ( possibly reflecting the existence of a trained personnel staff who themselves owe their position to qualifications ) .
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