Example sentences of "[vb past] on [art] door " in BNC.

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1 The big man beat on the door and shouted in the high nasal tone of the Caucasus , slammed his fist into the woodwork , demanded attention .
2 She managed to escape and ran to a lorry parked nearby where she banged on the door to attract the driver 's attention .
3 We banged on the door and shouted to no avail , and after awhile had no choice but to use the fire stairs .
4 Egalitarianism 's never been my strong suit , but I overcame my natural snobbery and banged on the door .
5 Without a word to anybody , I banged on the door , and asked once again for permission to go and wash .
6 Fitzosbert banged on the door .
7 I know I banged on the door , but no one heard .
8 She locked herself in the bathroom for 40 minutes while her mother banged on the door , John Evans , prosecuting , told Newcastle Crown Court .
9 Once at Number 112 I banged on the door with the palm of my hand and waited — I remember being surprised that the Trumpers did n't have a knocker .
10 She began to unpack , trying to puzzle things out , and when a knock came on the door she opened it without thinking , her mind still elsewhere .
11 When a tap came on the door she did n't answer , but when it came again , she called quietly , ‘ Come in . ’
12 She was just slipping her feet into a pair of low black court shoes when the knock came on the door , and her heart leapt into her throat .
13 Bobby pounded on the door with his fists , but Enoch only responded with a Jewish incantation .
14 She pounded on the door , shouted at the top of her voice , and yelled threats at Julius .
15 ‘ Dammit , ’ she snapped , and she pounded on the door with both hands .
16 He found a heavy wrench and hammered on the door .
17 Finnan nodded and smiled , then he hammered on the door with his fist .
18 We hammered on the door for the gaoler and returned to the main gates of the prison where Benjamin left a coin and instructed the sadistic bastard to do what he could for poor Taplow .
19 Athelstan hammered on the door until Sir John 's wife appeared — a small , bird-like woman much younger than Cranston , who greeted her husband as if he was Hector back from the wars .
20 And hammered on the door so one of the teache and it was the class where I was too happened to be by the door there .
21 Arrived at the inn , he hammered on the door .
22 We went back up the staircase and I hammered on the door .
23 I know what time you went to sleep because Rob 's dad came in , or his mum hammered on the door and said cut it out lads , go to sleep .
24 Grinning unrepentantly , he strode ahead and rapped on a door at the far end of the hall .
25 Later that night , with Jammie and Helen behind me , I rapped on the door of Dad 's room .
26 We had soon reached the old lady 's house and rapped on the door .
27 Before I lifted the knocker I gave my clogs an extra rub on my stockinged calf , then I rapped on the door .
28 One of the attendants rapped on the door , then they all scampered off , a display of multi-coloured boots flashing along the wooden gantry until they vanished into the mist .
29 He knocked on a door , said something quietly to the person who opened it , then walked upstairs .
30 He strolled through the opening and knocked on a door marked Enquiries , walked in and asked the man behind the counter if they had a Rebecca Salmon registered at the college .
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