Example sentences of "[vb past] be finally [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The silence that followed was finally broken by a nervous laugh from one of the men-at-arms .
2 When the earth had been finally pressed down round the tree roots , Peter Dawson had put his arm round his wife 's tiny waist and they had surveyed their handiwork with obvious satisfaction .
3 Ever since the spring of 1918 , when pacifist hopes that a ‘ peace between equals ’ could indeed turn the First World War into a ‘ war to end war ’ had been finally dashed , there had been no convincing reason to believe that a second global bloodletting could be avoided .
4 It could not be said that a peace had been finally made because old habits in Alexandra would not die a final death and made her still reserved , a little wary .
5 X-rays showed there was no serious damage to the skull , but Dr Volkov had remained unconscious for some time after the door had been finally broken down .
6 By the 1870s , the aristocratic leadership of Polish nationalism had been finally defeated .
7 Mr Justice Millett held that , by reason of the decision of the Chief Commons Commissioner on 17 March 1977 , the plaintiffs were estopped from asserting as against the defendant council ( other than in proceedings concerned with the registrability of certain grass road verges within the Royal Manor of Portland under the Commons Registration Act 1965 , in respect of which the plaintiffs accept that this issue had been finally determined ) that the road verges were not part of the highway .
8 In due course , after the ties that bound nobles and peasants had been finally severed , they were to become elective Justices of the Peace with jurisdiction over all estates of the realm .
9 Blackfriars , as we still call it , may be a monument to Edward 's friendship with the Dominicans ; but it also marks his determination to avoid the fate of his grandfather , King John , who had been finally driven to agree to the Magna Carta by finding the gates of the City shut against him .
10 The charges had been finally brought following the public campaign of Glen Kealey , himself an Ottawa developer , who became the country 's most celebrated protestor and suffered ridicule for standing outside the parliament building in Ottawa for over two years in a crusade against alleged federal government corruption .
11 By the time the complex details of the preventative works had been finally drawn up and agreed we were again running out of time .
12 So the church had been finally demolished and the Old Rectory , sheltering behind it and proving more durable , had been sold .
13 He had been finally released after thirty-six hours .
14 The alterations to the National Executive report , Socialism and the Condition of the People which he advocated were finally left to the Executive to consider , and were moved again at the Southport Conference of 1934 .
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