Example sentences of "[vb past] everything he could " in BNC.

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1 He tried everything he could think of to tempt the Bookman into showing himself .
2 Mitchell and White ran themselves into the ground and Nicky Summerbee tried everything he could to get a goal .
3 As an anxious new father , Belinda 's partner , Jem , read everything he could find about Down 's syndrome because he wanted to know what he could expect from the future .
4 Nick Moore did everything he could to persuade Derbyshire police that he , not Boler , was the robber .
5 His father walked beside him , behind him , leaned on him , did everything he could to teach him to drill .
6 He did everything he could to make it impossible for the marriage to take place .
7 He did everything he could to make sure that they were never alone .
8 He wanted his son to be a champion , and he did everything he could to force him to go on racing against his better judgement ! ’
9 He said he did everything he could to calm Farrow down , including on two occasions taking her to the exclusive Carlyle Hotel and sleeping with her after she begged him to do so .
10 And the Kaiser did everything he could to ensure that his son should be no more than a figurehead in the army given under his command .
11 He says he tied then up and stole everything he could .
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