Example sentences of "[vb past] ever [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Furiously , she again spoke of Old Ape coming and going with his red plastic bucket , and Mrs Slewy denying she 'd ever touched a cancer-box in her life , and Miss Poraway and Mrs Stead-Carter and old Miss Trimm , now mercifully dead .
2 It was the first time we 'd ever done an overland journey .
3 I do n't think he 'd ever seen a woman shop that fast ! ’
4 They would n't make those weird garden ornaments if they 'd ever seen a real nome . ’
5 I went to see the semi-finals of the Midland Bank Championships in Brighton — the first time I 'd ever seen a tennis match live .
6 And er that was the first time I 'd ever seen a continental headboard .
7 Physical contact of a different nature was employed by another member of staff when during a break period he enquired disarmingly of a pupil whether he 'd ever seen an ‘ Irish whip ’ .
8 Well , that was n't all so farfetched , and anyone who 'd ever hosted a botfly larva , for example , would surely have sympathised .
9 I do n't know why they 'd ever had a little place yonder but there was crofts near everywhere ,
10 This was the first time she 'd ever had a close look at the entries , and she seemed to approve .
11 And that 's the first time she 'd ever had a doctor .
12 He was the most infuriating person she 'd ever had the misfortune to encounter , but probably also the most influential .
13 Or rather , about finishing up customers ' drinks , for when Albert came in on a Monday morning drunk at his own expense none of his morally outraged proprietors had ever turned a hair .
14 Neither father nor mother had ever breathed a word , and my first knowledge was thrust upon me — by happening to read quite unwittingly a pamphlet — it was by Stead , exposing and giving such ghastly details of prostitution …
15 Only 18 patients , including only half of the most severely affected group , whose speech carers found impossible to understand , had ever received an assessment by a speech therapist ( table V ) .
16 She had no idea whether he had ever received the letter which she had felt obliged to write , telling him she was pregnant .
17 On the few occasions on which she and Hugh had met since that time , neither of them had ever said a word about that holiday .
18 Nick Clayton himself denied he had ever said the things relating to medical evidence that had been quoted .
19 Anger gave her the strength to pack her few belongings and by the time Ellen — red-eyed and in tears — came to say that the conveyance was at the door , there was no sign left that Ruth had ever inhabited the room .
20 If the absolutely pure , uncalculating , impractical spirit of adventure had ever ruled a human being , it ruled this bespectacled youth .
21 The Notts archives were invaluable in producing his two books on touring teams : ‘ Nobody had ever written a book on cricket tours and I reaped the benefit of all my early digging again . ’
22 Nobody had ever made a fuss of Gerry before and he was real chuffed .
23 You 'd think no-one else had ever made a film except him and you can see him coming on all good mates with the crew so they 'll make things easier for him when he gets in front of camera , so he looks five years younger and I get the shiny nose .
24 It was n't that she had ever made a conscious decision to play the helpless female ; she just always looked as though she was in constant need of care and attention , and over the years she had found that it was far easier to allow people to think what they liked , because whenever she tried to be assertive , or explain that she was really quite competent , no one ever believed her .
25 Neither my wins in the European Championships and European Cup nor my two British records had ever made the front page — but the fact that I would n't run in a relay team had .
26 Few Princes had ever made the journey to see the sight that Francis now gazed upon ; few Princes , and hardly any of lesser rank .
27 It was the first time in their lives that Dorothy , although younger by ten years , had ever felt the stronger of the two .
28 He seemed completely to have forgotten that Charles had ever played the part .
29 Davide sighed ; with Tommaso Talvi he had been hungry for experience , but now , he wondered what had impelled him then to want so much , everything , travel , influence , money , work , before he had ever touched a woman ; when now he sang arias of extreme emotion , when he grieved and sobbed his passion in La Forza and Boccanegra and La Traviata , he thought of young men in the future bursting their hearts for his daughters .
30 There is no record that the Prime Minister had ever visited a prison , but she was known to be offended by the deplorable conditions and personal indignities caused by overcrowding .
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