Example sentences of "[vb past] [been] built in " in BNC.

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1 The Anchor brewery had been built in 1757 by a couple of brewers from Bethnal Green called Wastfield and Moss , at a time when the district was so quiet and un-built-up you could still see ships passing on the Thames from the brewery windows .
2 Through the centuries about twenty-five houses had been built in Ploughman 's Lane , first of all for the minor gentry , the widows and kinsmen , for instance , of the lord of the manor ; in more recent times , equally large and widely spaced dwellings had been put up for the professional class .
3 Too many studios had been built in Britain during the production boom and , at a time when filmmakers were anyway keener than they had been hitherto to get out among ordinary people , they found they were no longer constrained by anxious accountants determined to maximize the use of studio space .
4 A green metal notice told me that the abbey had been built in 1474 , by O'Donnell , Prince of Tyrconnel , and his wife Nuala .
5 ‘ If it had been built in one go , ’ he claimed , demonstrating with a model and bucket of clay , ‘ it would have fallen over . ’
6 The Park — itself unmentioned by Pevsner — had been built in the 1870s and greatly enlarged in the years after 1883 .
7 By taking the little branch line which had been built in the park of the palace of Saint Cloud , the imperial train could go around Paris and then rejoin the main line to the eastern frontier , where the army was assembling at Metz .
8 An earlier bridge on this site , the Judith Bridge , had been built in 1170 by Vladislav II but was destroyed by flood in 1342 .
9 It had been built in 1876 and consisted of a whole succession of low-roofed , dormer-windowed , gabled buildings .
10 Mughal-style stations had been built in the Lucknow — Agra area , often , as at Nawab , single platform stations with an overall roof framed by minarets — and with a side pavilion capped by domed open towers .
11 At Goulbourn a large brick structure with stone quoins and cornices and a central tower and dome had been built in the 1870s , and structure with powerful round-headed arches and long arcading on two storeys was more reminiscent of Indian stations than of those of Europe or North America .
12 In Somerset ‘ the tops of trees and houses only appeared … as if , at the beginning of the world , townes had been built in the bottom of the sea ’ .
13 The Ferry loop line brought the trams to the waterfront , passing on their return the Pharos Lighthouse , which had been built in 1840 .
14 A new one had been built in 1708 and this was replaced by a further wooden bridge in 1750 , which was , in turn , replaced in 1764 .
15 The temple had been built in the 10th century BC as an expression of the Kingship of Solomon in all his glory .
16 Moon Beach Central had been built in the style of a temple .
17 It had been built in the late eighteenth century , two storeys high , shallow slate roof , red brick , seven windows set in ashlar along the upper floor , six below and the front door set centrally under a portico and pillared porch .
18 The crematorium had been built in the park of a stately home with cultivated and wild parts , a lake and many mature trees .
19 The newest building in the centre of Qara Tappah had been built in 1934 .
20 Loxford New Rectory was redbrick and had been built in the early sixties .
21 The underground complex had been built in summer , the construction teams working in three shifts round the dock .
22 The Retreat had been built in neo-classical style : twelve marble pillars rising to support a dome that called for decoration , but had none .
23 Exminster and Digby had been built in the nineteenth century as the County and City lunatic asylums for Devon and Exeter .
24 It was a large , tall , four storeyed building , on one of the steep hillsides of Highgate ; it had been built in 1720 , but was deceptively flanked by scrappy houses and miscellaneous buildings of mixed and later dates , so that its lonely eminence had an air of somewhat tragic survival .
25 The villa had been built in the days of Lorenzo the Magnificent by a Baderini banker .
26 Even as the company got bigger , the familial atmosphere on which Virgin had been built in the early Seventies stayed strong , a flame that was kept alight by those who had been with Virgin since the earliest days , until it became a myth , self-perpetuating and strong enough to touch any newcomer to the organisation , strong enough to have even Richard Branson in its grip .
27 It had been built in the depression of 1870 — when most villagers were out of work — by the Countess of Saracen , whose birthday was still celebrated , and a mass said for her soul in the local Church of St Peter .
28 Outside , a weather vane had been built in the lee of the vicarage next door , hardly an ideal position ; especially , when I discovered that its arrow pointer had been fixed to point in the direction of the ruined castle Blanchefort in the nearby mountains .
29 By then , the Smethwick factory had trebled in size , and new offices had been built in Broad Street .
30 A makeshift altar had been built in front of the spring .
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