Example sentences of "[vb past] [been] [prep] hospital " in BNC.

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1 Once in a while she went to a social club for air pilots who 'd been in hospital .
2 It was an awful place : dreary , badly furnished and he was n't as clean as he 'd been in hospital — food all down his clothes and he had n't shaved , he really looked unkempt .
3 Er but I used to tell people and they you know people near me that had a lot of children and er they 'd moan and groan about it , I heard one woman say erm , she 'd had quite a few children and I I 'd been in hospital and I said er , er a certain person that 'd had a baby had lost it .
4 One woman , whose son is an epileptic , said her son had been to hospitals in Newcastle , Middlesbrough , Northallerton , Oxford , Sedgewick near Kendal , and Cookridge near Leeds , before Thornton Lodge .
5 He had been to hospital many times before doctors decided there was nothing they could do for him .
6 When Philip had been in hospital when he 'd had croup that 's what he hated worst , the pulling of the curtains .
7 He had been in hospital many years before to have his appendix removed and that had been an uneventful procedure .
8 His name was Roberto Coloni and he had been in hospital following a bad fall in which he had broken his shoulder blade , forearm and two ribs , as well as suffering bad concussion , which had affected his hearing .
9 The Mental Health Act Commission found in 1987 that the requirements of section 117 of the Mental Health Act 1983 , which made after-care for those compulsorily detained the joint responsibility of health and social services , were not consistently fulfilled ( Secretary of State for Social Services , 1987 ) , while section 7 of the Disabled Persons Act 1986 , which required after-care to be provided for all those who had been in hospital for more than six months , was never implemented .
10 All 5 of these patients had been in hospital between August , 1989 , ( the first isolation of P cepacia ) and their acquisition of the epidemic strain , which prompted surveillance for P cepacia contamination in the hospital outpatient environment and analysis of social contacts of patients .
11 Apologies were given from Hilda Lodge who had been in hospital for several days for tests .
12 I had been in hospital for about two days when they told me my tumour was malignant .
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