Example sentences of "[vb past] [been] [prep] bed " in BNC.

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1 Sergei 's bed had n't been slept in , and presumably he 'd been to bed with Masha .
2 I suppose ( now ) they 'd been to bed together .
3 I 'd put on weight while I 'd been in bed , and the zip on my slacks would n't do up more than half-way .
4 Anna did not say that she was not a virgin , that she had been to bed with two of the men in West Kensington and had been , at seventeen , much inclined to suppose herself in love with one of them .
5 It was someone she had been to bed with .
6 DH Lawrence 's " The Rainbow " was destroyed in 1915 , and " The Well of Loneliness " suffered the same fate in 1928 at the hands of a magistrate who felt that a passage which implied that two women had been to bed ( " And that night they were not divided " ) would induce " thoughts of a most impure character " and " glorify a horrible tendency " .
7 ‘ Made you afraid of men ? ’ he queried , and looked puzzled as to how that could be when he knew that , since leaving Ardis , she had been to bed with his cousin .
8 That you had been to bed with all those — ’
9 Uncle had been in bed for about a month by then , so the doctor arranged for him to go into hospital in Barnard Castle .
10 With only an usher for company , he showed no outward signs of distress as he said : ‘ I had been in bed for five minutes waiting for my mummy .
11 He could n't think whether they had been in bed for an hour , or four hours .
12 On the same night , a follow up to a known address in the village in a hunt for a missing suspect led to vehement denials from a mother who said her son had been in bed all the evening .
13 Well , I had been in bed and asleep earlier in the night .
14 She pushed herself back against the wall to avoid touching a man but as Owen pressed past her he was as conscious of her roundnesses and softnesses as if he had been in bed beside her .
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