Example sentences of "[vb past] [not/n't] let [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She flushed and tried not to let him rile her .
2 He swung his leg over the saddle , rocked the bike off its stand and balanced it with his legs while she put on the helmet , tugged on the huge gloves and tried not to let him know she was panicking .
3 Called to order he was silent for a moment , then resumed his loud comments which disconcerted Therese , however hard she tried not to let them .
4 Pete felt a stirring of apprehension then , rising like a deepwater fish to the sunlight ; and although he tried not to let it show , Alina seemed to perceive it .
5 She tried not to let it unnerve her .
6 It makes you want to win for them , makes you determined not to let them down .
7 In 1982 he was found guilty of serious professional misconduct and undertook not to let it happen again .
8 She chose not to let them know she had proof this was a deception .
9 What just happened between us could have gone much further , but it did n't because I chose not to let it .
10 She dared not let it happen again .
11 Her eyelashes fluttered down to hide feelings she dared not let him see .
12 His face was cold , that same unsmiling face , pinched and thin , his dark eyes cruel , as if he dared not let them be anything else .
13 The blow came at a meeting on Saturday when members voted not to let him stand as an election candidate — despite a recommendation to accept him by the executive committee .
14 If Henry thought that there was a contradiction in terms about the words ‘ medical poison ’ he did not Let it show in his face .
15 At first she did not let them in ‘ because I thought they were drunks from the pub next door ’ .
16 We did not let them put us down easily .
17 M and J always tidy up well , so did not let them do the washing/drying up .
18 and the furry monster was there and the church bells rang unceasingly , my muse was red with righteous anger , o my love , and her hound barked at the furry monster and her frankfurter but i did not let them see me for worshipping in silence is the artist 's choice , that is the way for growth .
19 The other two held their breath , waiting for the inevitable squeak , but the sensitive fingers did not let him down .
20 That lavish endowment of talent , which had been blotted up in sport and intense boyish preoccupations , was now called up in all its force and it did not let him down .
21 It did not let him down .
22 We did not let him go upstairs , but one day Tabby found him on my bed .
23 This was one of the voyages in which the men of science were in charge , in that the point of the expedition was scientific ; often there had been frustration among scientists on voyages because the captain 's instructions , or his interpretation of them , did not let him stay at interesting places as long as they would have liked , or put enough boats and crews at their disposal .
24 Antony looked apologetic but Connon did not let him speak .
25 He did not let her go , and said hoarsely , ‘ Honoria Greville .
26 If they did not let her see him until they both appeared before the prince , what wild errors might he not commit in his insecurity ?
27 Her memory did not let her down .
28 He did not let her go , but his grip on her slackened .
29 It was their own secret world , and they did not let me into it again .
30 Indeed , quite early on , I tried to work out in my mind what it was that made his personality ( though he did not like the word ) so compelling ; and I came to the conclusion that it was because he did not let me down in my own estimation of him .
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