Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv prt] and gave " in BNC.

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1 Leila Williams ( a former beauty queen ) and Chris Trace were its virgin presenters , the show a seven-week experiment that caught on and gave the world John Noakes ' arse , the most famous shitting elephant ever , many an expedition to Ceylon , sticky-backed plastic , ‘ soldier dolls ’ , umpteen dogs , Sarah Greene ( cheers ) and a hell of a lot of jeeps paid for by old forks and ring-pulls .
2 And then , before them all , he bent down and gave Brown Owl a kiss .
3 ‘ Luke , ’ shouted Juan ; Cantering up , he bent down and gave Luke a great hug ; ‘ My dear friend , 'ow are you ?
4 He drew back and gave her a smile that made her blood thicken .
5 The nurse came down and gave me some medicine which totally knocked me out .
6 That has now changed Eastern arts no longer support the gallery now one obvious reason for that is the gallery started so well because of the enthusiasm from a number of professional people who came along and gave their advice and much of their time and such a body of people has not been called upon for a number of years now and once again a request to discuss this with Mr was refused .
7 He stood up when she came in and gave her a big friendly smile .
8 Alice and Unice came in and gave her little nods , and sat down and knitted .
9 In fact , at the Gardener Centre a few months after I took after we did a workshop which Radio Brighton took part in and came up and gave a class in terms of how to make the most out of your local radio station , and that kind of thing we really need to develop even further .
10 Then the girl came back and gave Jane … £3–12p in cash .
11 ‘ One of the boys came back and gave the game away to Winnie , ’ said Mrs Chilli .
12 They rolled around on the ground together for a few moments and then the boy 's mother came out and gave him Sergeant 's leash .
13 They came out and gave him paracetemol and painkillers .
14 Outlaws sometimes came by and gave him food and drink .
15 A bloke came round and gave it all me .
16 The bikers were so angry that they rode off and gave the cash to another children 's hospice at Quidenham , Norfolk .
17 Later , both sloppy drunk , he climbed on and gave it to her and just before he came she put a finger up his asshole and it was the strangest sensation he 's ever had .
18 She turned over and gave a loud wail .
19 At this Mum turned round and gave her a dirty look before she moved along with Dad , followed by the rest of us .
20 looked around and said well he said looked at me said er well cos he was just about to g throw a wobbly and say , well surely the sales department should be dealing with this , should be should be giving him the information and he he just turned round and gave the aforementioned quote and I just sort of went yes it is .
21 She felt her face go hot with embarrassment as he straightened up and gave her a piercing look that took in everything about her appearance .
22 Shep got up and gave himself a good stretch .
23 He glanced down and gave a short , humourless grunt of laughter .
24 I was so surprised to see Ken , so relieved , that I rushed over and gave him a kiss .
25 If she sprang up and gave him a good shaking , every bit of public sympathy would be on his side .
26 The Pole glanced up and gave his spectacles another prod .
27 Neighbours rushed out and gave Linda heart massage and mouth to mouth resuscitation .
28 Angel glanced round and gave a shout of warning .
29 Startled , she swung round and gave him a lame smile .
30 Tosh also revealed how once when he was selling a magazine for the homeless at Charing Cross station Diana drew up in her car and a man got out and gave him £5 .
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