Example sentences of "[vb past] [v-ing] along [art] " in BNC.

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1 Woman named : A woman found wandering along the A167 last Saturday night has been identified as Margaret Ratcliffe , from Swalwell , near Newcastle .
2 Some of the crew tried getting along the bank — you know how people are sometimes found clinging to the branches of trees overhanging the river a mile or so downstream .
3 The silhouette of a small man in German uniform came shambling along the wire .
4 Before I could do anything , two medics came sprinting along the path from the direction of the big house .
5 It was a nice touch when she came running along the embankment , late , fresh from her lover 's embraces . ’
6 An hour or so later Owen was working peacefully in his office when the door slammed at the end of the building and feet came running along the corridor .
7 I stopped playing just as the church door burst open and a very irate Officer came charging along the pews in my direction , his eyes bulging out of their sockets .
8 As she got out of the lift on the top floor , Damian Flint came striding along the corridor and they collided .
9 Fleury , too , continued to grieve for her and was now composing a poem in which her little ghost came tripping along the ramparts sniffing flowers , unperturbed by the flying cannon balls ( it was not a very good poem ) .
10 I began walking along the track leading behind the beach towards the village , which was marked by the red tin roof of a tiny church showing above the casuarinas and palm trees .
11 I contemplate the thought of days spent looking along the length of Tony 's tripod bag .
12 For three years now we had moved stealthily through the darkness , sometimes absurdly confident , sometimes terrified , but always wondering just what sort of man it was that we heard creeping along the wall towards us and what sort of weapon he had in his hand .
13 Fields now began thinking along the lines of a low-budget operation — and of a possible investor with the money , and the push , to satisfy the requirements of the CAA , and get the airline aloft .
14 So he started walking along the road out of town .
15 As he did not look where he was going , the car 's near-side wheels started running along the grass .
16 We rushed out of the building and started running along the street , hardly knowing where we were or where we were going , until we felt we had put enough distance between us and the reception .
17 Well she started flopping along the floor on her back .
18 He kept looking along the lines of men beside him .
19 A motor-cycle cop with his siren on went roaring along the elevated expressway that was level with the surgery window .
20 Dong and Hoc ran panting along the adjacent ranks allotted to them , calling out frequently to encourage one another and to check each other 's progress .
21 Harry now stood looking along the table as he added thoughtfully , ‘ It would be awful if he did , would n't it ? ’
22 The trees grabbed at him with twiggy fingers as he rose up through them , lurching this way and that in the gusts , and then he felt himself held against the invisible rushing breast of the long Wind , as she hurled moaning along the sky .
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