Example sentences of "[vb past] [det] effect on " in BNC.

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1 Eleanor 's warm , inviting voice had that effect on him .
2 Talking with James often had that effect on her .
3 Donna always had that effect on her .
4 Sex without any element of love , or even affection , always had that effect on him .
5 Literature had that effect on other people too .
6 He had that effect on people .
7 She woke with a headache , but then nightmares always had that effect on her , she thought moodily , as she showered , and put on shorts and a sleeveless top .
8 However , they had little effect on changing it .
9 Britain 's first application was tabled in august , just after the Kuwait crisis , but had little effect on Defence policy at the time , because negotiations were relatively short-lived .
10 Gittell ( 1980 ) , in a research study of school-related citizen organizations in three American cities , finds that both lower- and middle-class parent organizations had little effect on educational decision-making , their declared goal .
11 The other members of the Committee had little effect on the course of the examinations .
12 This is considerably larger than the particle size used by Korth ( 1979 ) , but since even they had little effect on the small mammal bone , two large clasts were added as a third stage , weighing 368 g between them .
13 Christianity in the early days had little effect on the popularity of astrology .
14 Owen believes , for example , that lepidopteran populations fluctuate so widely due to entirely natural causes that the use of pesticides had little effect on them — although it does affect ground predators .
15 Late nineteenth-century judicial reforms did streamline court procedure , but they had little effect on the way in which the administration of law and order was popularly perceived .
16 The severe depression of 1878 — 83 , which was longer and deeper in the coffee-growing Central Province than elsewhere , had little effect on cattle stealing ( Table 3.6 and Figure 3.1 ) .
17 All the leading cars traded places briefly during a flurry of pit-stops but it had little effect on Prost who was able to pull clear and win comfortably .
18 Furthermore , his study suggested that , even during the first , ‘ transitional ’ year , retirement per se had little effect on physical or mental health .
19 Yet it was not clear that the Act was successful in controlling the situation after 1937 ; in Germany the banning of political uniforms had little effect on the rise of the nazis .
20 When we looked at the additional explanatory power brought to these models by information about the worker 's family responsibilities we found that parenthood had little effect on men 's labour force participation or pay .
21 The correction of the rates by logistic regression slightly increased the width of the confidence intervals , but this had little effect on our conclusions .
22 We had continuous news from the front , but unless it involved someone we knew , it had little effect on us .
23 Although the Vineyard had little effect on the planting of vines in England , it was popular enough to be reprinted four times as an appendix to Evelyn 's translation of Nicolas de Bonnefons ' The French Gardiner in successive editions from 1669 to 1691 .
24 Provision of the context picture after presentation of the passage , or provision of a partial context , had little effect on either ratings of comprehensibility or recall .
25 But what he said had little effect on Sally-Anne compared with the sight of his face at last .
26 However , they had little effect on the mainstream of Conservative thinking .
27 These policies had little effect on the Italian birth rate in the period 1930-1932 , and between 1933 and 1937 not a single department showed a rise in fertility ( Glass ) .
28 The collapse of the Labour government had little effect on the Party 's isolation .
29 All the leading cars traded places briefly during a flurry of pit-stops but it had little effect on Prost who was able to pull clear and win comfortably .
30 He also argues that , in its turn , the Scientific Revolution had some effect on the visual arts .
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