Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] think [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Our traditional British reserve made them think we were very hostile and resented them being here , and their extrovert camaraderie we regarded as showing off .
2 The 20th Century Fox logo always made me think we were about to see a war film , as the searchlights that had woken us in London in the blitz always preceded an air-raid .
3 Now they have aerial wires attached to the masts and they made me think they must intend to use her for some sort of electronic surveillance .
4 ‘ I lay down for a rest after lunch and was about to drift into sleep when there was a definite pop inside me , which made me think my waters had broken .
5 And though he was never to make such almost innocent remarks again , and though Eva and Dad continued to want to make love all the time , and I caught her giggling while she did idiotic things with him , like snipping the hair in his ears and nostrils with a huge pair of scissors , there were looks that escaped all possible policing , looks that made me think he was capable only of a corrupted happiness .
6 His tone made me think he was phoning because he sympathized and wanted to help .
7 In fact I do n't know what made me think he was that way in the first place — unless it was you , of course , leading me off the trail !
8 But it made me think you must have been a friend of Hugh 's .
9 ‘ Everything you said and did made me think you were a very experienced woman . ’
10 what made me think you see it 's right at the top where the morning then
11 It made me think I was going to abuse my own kids .
12 The angle of the lamp cord on the bar made me think I saw a hearing-aid cable extending from Fielding 's ear .
13 I suppose the , the sort of things that made me think I might be suitable for social work have been coming from working with the young .
14 It shows signs of spreading , which made me think it must be lead and , therefore , a .22 .
15 ‘ I just said , it looked to me at first as though it was a woman , then just something made me think it might be a man . ’
16 It was n't a sound I ever remembered him having made , but certain things about it made me think it came from Quigley .
17 But what on earth made you think there were two of them ?
18 What made you think I was Irish ? ’
19 What made you think it was n't ?
20 ‘ Perhaps you were thinking about Finn 's hand and that made you think you saw a hand ? ’
21 He thought he could hear voices now ; silvery , gentle voices , dark voices , that made you think you might be being watched .
22 ‘ What the hell made you think you had the right to keep the facts about my brother from me ? ’
23 Exactly how he achieved this I can not explain except to say that he had a kind of eloquence that made you think he was speaking to you personally and the gift of a born story-teller .
24 Charles ' suspicions of Dr Lefeuvre made him think his address was already common knowledge .
25 ‘ Then what the hell made him think you might be pregnant ? ’ he demanded , glaring down at her .
26 And made him think he could trust me .
27 His ankles were unbound ; it made him think he was higher off the ground than he would have liked .
28 She wondered what made him think she desired a flogging .
29 She knew he was in a position to do what he wished , but what made him think she would enjoy it ?
30 ‘ It was the clothes , you see , that made him think she was Egyptian .
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