Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] miss [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Sergeant Potter called at the Gasworks and asked for Miss Deirdre McTavish .
2 The couple watched as he stopped alongside Miss Stott and her companion .
3 ‘ One of the appointments we found in Miss Morgan 's diary was with a Miss Huntley .
4 He thought : He has acquired the mystique of the story-teller and , glancing at the ring of fire-lit and intent faces , he was suddenly reminded of his first village school , of the children clustered round Miss Douglas at three o'clock on a Friday afternoon for the half hour of story-time , and felt a pang of pain and regret for those lost days of innocence and love .
5 It was in the autumn of 1839 , after long meditation , that Amanda Fergusson proposed to Miss Logan the expedition to Arghuri .
6 A tall , well-built girl in a star-spangled bathing suit knelt by Miss Liberty , and picked up the coronet .
7 Another example of the love theme is the humorous courting by Wemmick directed towards Miss Shiffins and the funny way in which they ( Pip and Wemmick ) arrive for his marriage with Wemmick ‘ accidentally ’ discovering a church and then a pair of gloves , followed by Miss Shiffins and finally a wedding ring .
8 And the warning note to Sir Henry came from Miss Stapleton . ’
9 All appealed to Miss LaMotte on the question of the rapping spirits ; she declined to express an opinion , answering only with a Monna Lisa smile .
10 Miss Fergusson addressed him in what seemed to Miss Logan a mixture of Russo and Turk .
11 It seemed to Miss Logan that her employer had perhaps exhausted her stock of civility on the long journey to Mount Ararat , and had now retreated into a stony carelessness .
12 On the way out of this interview , she came across Miss Haines , clad in a thin ribbed sweater in a very nice shade of mustard , with a very nice matching skirt .
13 She trotted beside Miss Honey with wild little hops and her fingers flew as if she would scatter them to the four winds and her words went off like fireworks , with terrific speed .
14 He turned to Miss D'Arcy .
15 But I soon reminded myself that such trivial slips are liable to befall anyone from time to time , and my irritation soon turned to Miss Kenton for attempting to create such unwarranted fuss over the incident .
16 Ruth turned to Miss Beard .
17 She nodded at Miss Rene , who came back at her quickly , saying , ‘ Not even two , one will be enough , and it will have to be a lawn one , and your bloomers an , all . ’
18 The High … ’ he simpered at Miss Harker .
19 That afternoon when I arrived at Miss Havisham 's house , it was n't Estella who opened the gate , but a cousin of the old lady 's .
20 When I arrived at Miss Louise 's door , out of breath from running , I kicked the snow off my clogs and went straight in .
21 ‘ Escaped to Eldercombe , got into Miss L-L-Lodsworth 's garden . ’
22 Jess glanced at Miss Phoebe to see how she was reacting to the bit about niggers .
23 She glanced at Miss Florence and shook her head , saying , ‘ I 've …
24 I spent the evening reading , and rang for Miss Matlock to help me to bed shortly before eleven . ’
25 Matilda leapt into Miss Honey 's arms and hugged her , and Miss Honey hugged her back , and then the mother and father and brother were inside the car and the car was pulling away with the tyres screaming .
26 Her mind flew to Miss Hatherby .
27 Even so , when I stumbled across Miss Diana Dors — a permissive sex-symbol of some notoriety twenty years ago — advancing its claims in a popular magazine and asking us to cast our minds towards ‘ my era back in the fifties ’ , I was not immediately sure whose side she was supposed to be on .
28 The other prolonged study of the flora of the Outer Hebrides was that initiated by Miss M. S. Campbell .
29 He passed on Miss Jekyll 's admonition to his client .
30 That was strictly his own idea to try and cover any hesitations while he hid the trail that led to Miss Tuckey and the picture on her wan .
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