Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] 3 [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The most recent ‘ Sunday 's full ’ occurred on 3 October and October was one of the wettest on record .
2 The first outbreak of mutiny occurred on 3 May , and it spread rapidly until 16 corps were affected .
3 A much stronger flare occurred on 3 June , 1982 , shortly before Edward Chupp of the University of New Hampshire and eight colleagues from there , the Max Planck Institute for Physics and Astrophysics , and the Naval Research Laboratory , submitted a paper based on their analysis of the earlier flare measurements .
4 Hence , according to this rule which I have explained earlier , the lunar cycle began on 3 October at 19.30 hours .
5 He matriculated on 3 April 1699 at Oxford where he studied at Balliol College as ‘ pauper puer ’ .
6 ‘ The French domineering still at sea , ’ he recorded on 3 August 1690 , ‘ landed some souldiers at Tinmoth in Devon and burned some poore houses . ’
7 The national strike started on 3 May , with less support in Nottinghamshire than many other fields ( Sunley , 1988 ) ; work continued unbroken at Blidworth and Clipstone , two of the newly-opened Dukeries pits , and by September some 70 per cent of the county 's miners were back at work ( Griffin , 1962 , p. 183 ) .
8 The new service started on 3 October 1988 and was immediately so successful that Mid Glamorgan County Council applied to the Secretary of State for Wales for a £600,000 grant to purchase a Sprinter unit to provide an hourly service .
9 Japanese plans to seize Midway Island , an important US base in the north of the Hawaiian Islands , were thwarted when the fleets met on 3 June 1942 , and American dive bombers sank all four Japanese carriers .
10 Boddenham is not traceable later than 1459 ; and it is known from the membership list of the confraternity of St Nicholas , the London guild of parish clerks , that Bedingham ( already a member in 1449 ) died between 3 May 1459 and 22 May 1460 .
11 Madame de Lully 's principal residence continued to be the house on the rue St Anne , parish of St Roch , where she had resided with her husband , and where she died on 3 May 1720 .
12 Harry James Barber — John to many of his intimates — died on 3 March 1991 , after a prolonged courageous battle with Parkinson 's disease , at the end of 21 years of active , enjoyable retirement .
13 THE heroic era of poliomyelitis research started with the isolation of the polio virus in monkeys by and in 1908 , and culminated in the development of vaccines protecting against this paralytic disease in the 1950s. , who died on 3 March , in Washington , was one of the heroes of this era .
14 He died on 3 March .
15 Unknown to Leopold , his son now faced one of the most serious crises of his life : Maria Anna had become dangerously ill and , after a fortnight , died on 3 July .
16 He died on 3 September 1969 , after a heart attack .
17 Maurice Henry Farrington died on 3 August 1987 .
18 Even Boscawen , however , had to withdraw to refit and revictual and thanks to Byng 's blundering , which had robbed England of Minorca , that meant going all the way to Gibraltar , which he reached on 3 August .
19 Baldwin died at 3 Harington Place , Bath , 7 March 1820 , and was buried in St Michael 's church .
20 They lived at 3 Windmill Street , Lad Lane , Deansgate , where William was born .
21 The authority charges people to park there but the editor of my local papar — The South Wales Evening Post — said on 3 December : ’ Many people will be pleased , and reassured , that Swansea City Council appears to be moving towards a policy of providing attendants for selected car parks . ’
22 When the story ran on 3 November , it was picked up at once by the Western media , touching off an international scandal of such embarrassing proportions that president Reagan was forced to act .
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