Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] 14 [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Only if he succeeded after 14 December 685 would he not have completed twenty years by 14 December 705 .
2 Archipenko , who had been a friend of Delaunay for some time , now also denied being a Cubist ; the Art column of Gil Blas reported on 14 December 1912 : ‘ M. Archipenko has formally announced that he has completely detached himself from the Cubist group whose principles he rejects . ’
3 His death occurred on 14 December ( ASC D , s.a 705 ) .
4 It came on 14 July , a day on which the French Ambassador had asked for an audience with King William , who was taking the waters at the spa town of Ems , and had been twice refused , courteously but firmly .
5 Huntingford confirmed on 14 March 1788 that ( for reasons not given ) he had resigned the post of secretary , being succeeded on 14 April by Mr Raggett , another attorney of Odiham .
6 The trial , which began on 14 October , continued yesterday without the missing men .
7 The story of the London dock strike which began on 14 August 1889 and ended in the so-called Mansion House Agreement on the following 14 September has often been told .
8 This dog was soon followed by another Australian import , whose name was Asgardweiler Winston , whelped on 14 November 1971 .
9 The National Administrative Council of the ILP decided on 14 April to continue and expand the United Front .
10 APPEAL ( No. 6 of 1991 ) with leave of the Court of Appeal of Bermuda by the plaintiff , Horace Brenton Kelly , from the judgment of the Court of Appeal of Bermuda ( Blair-Kerr P. , Roberts and Henry JJ.A. ) given on 30 November 1989 allowing an appeal by the defendants , Margot Cooper and Helen Cooper ( trading as Cooper Associates , a firm ) from the judgment of Hull J. delivered on 14 November 1988 in the Supreme Court of Bermuda ( Civil Jurisdiction ) , whereby he awarded the plaintiff $200,000 damages for breach of contract and made a declaration that the defendants were not entitled to commission on the sale of the plaintiff 's property , and the defendants ' counterclaim for commission was dismissed .
11 The Scottish Jacobites withdrew themselves from the Scottish Convention which met on 14 March 1689 , and as a result the settlement north of the border was worked out predominantly by Whigs .
12 On 9 January 1872 the Minute Book kept by the clerk now called Registrar , recorded the commitment of Richard Piper sued by Henry Pierpoint for 5s ( money lent on 14 November 1871 ) .
13 The judge ruled that he had power to make the order and did so , but action under that order was stayed pending the hearing of this appeal by an order of this court ( Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. and Steyn L.J. ) made on 14 April 1992 .
14 To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how many direct employees of Scottish Enterprise are currently working on the defence industries initiative he announced on 14 October 1991 ; and if he will make a statement on the actions which have so far been taken .
15 If this is so , can you please let me have one of the two data only copies I requested on 14 February ( Ref. 020 ) ?
16 If he died on 14 December 705 he would have reigned a full twenty years and probably several months as well .
17 He suffered for 10 days and died on 14 March .
18 The left-wing stronghold of Badajoz fell on 14 August and Talavera , the last significant town before Madrid , on 2 September .
19 Space does not allow a full description of Harry 's successful progress from Brussels ( as Jean Henri de Smat , a deaf and dumb basket maker ) and then through France , to Switzerland , which Harry eventually reached on 14 October 1943 .
20 There is only one small difference between what I said on 14 November and what I have said today .
21 The former ambassador to Rome , Ulrich von Hassell , executed in July 1944 for his involvement in the plot to kill Hitler , wrote on 14 February 1943 of the crisis ‘ symbolized in the name ‘ Stalingrad ’ ’ :
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