Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] be dominate " in BNC.

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1 The empire of Charlemagne was divided in the ninth century , and its eastern division came to be dominated in the tenth century by the now Christianized Saxons .
2 West Ham was an area adjacent to East London where formal politics during the 1920s came to be dominated by the Labour Party to an extent experienced in few other areas of the country .
3 So the non-communist world came to be dominated by two payments systems , the dollar area and the EPU , each involving multilateral payments arrangements .
4 Increasingly , the town planning movement came to be dominated by an institutionalized professional ideology .
5 The new financial institutions , established by the Whig Junto in William 's reign , came to be dominated by Whigs .
6 They need emphasis at a time when Anglo-American relations in the Middle East seemed to be dominated ( and hopelessly soured ) by the crisis in Palestine .
7 Her whole life seemed to be dominated by just one man , so that she could concentrate on little else .
8 The Hillsborough duo of Greer and co-driver Dean Beckett , pictured above after they jumped to the top of the Vard RIAC series last Sunday with a remarkable win on the Carlow round , an event expected to be dominated by the local ‘ aces ’ Enda Nolan and Stephen Murphy .
9 He liked to be dominated .
10 The session appeared to be dominated by consideration of economic problems in particular .
11 Most socialists , if they were interested at all , took their foreign policy from middle-class radicals , and pacifist politics continued to be dominated by essentially Cobdenite assumptions about the relationship between capitalism and peace .
12 The highest reaches of the Menshevik , Bolshevik and SR parties , it is true , continued to be dominated by members of the intelligentsia throughout .
13 Principal developments in Somalia from mid-1989 [ see p. 36757 for events to that date ] continued to be dominated by the civil war , the regime 's attempts to establish some dialogue with opposition forces on its own terms , and allegations of human rights abuses [ see pp. 36806 ; 37113-14 ; 37174 ] .
14 Political developments in 1990 continued to be dominated by the worsening ethnic conflict between the Moorish ( Arabic-speaking ) majority and the mainly French-speaking blacks ( who constitute about one-fifth of the country 's population ) , the growing military activities of black opposition movements , and the related tense relations with Senegal [ see pp. 36579-80 ; 36840 ; 36863-64 ; 37799 ; and below ; for dismissal of Interior Minister see above ] .
15 Politics in Puerto Rico continued to be dominated in 1990 by the issue of constitutional status and the proposed referendum , scheduled for mid-1991 , to determine the territory 's future relationship with the USA .
16 Albanian-Italian relations continued to be dominated by the issue of Albanian refugees in Italy .
17 In a major government reorganization in Croatia on Aug. 1 Tudjman included opposition politicians for the first time in a new " government of democratic unity " which continued to be dominated by the Croatian Democratic Union ( HDZ ) with 11 out of 27 posts .
18 Domestic politics in the Soviet Union continued to be dominated by ( i ) the political struggle between conservatives/hardliners and reformers/radicals , both within the CPSU and in Soviet society generally ; ( ii ) attempts to grapple with the country 's economic crisis and to formulate a strategy for economic reforms ; and ( iii ) the nationalist challenge to central Soviet rule .
19 Foreign relations continued to be dominated by events in Indo-China .
20 Prior to the announcement of the cancellation of Netherlands aid , events continued to be dominated by the repercussions of the massacre of pro-independence demonstrators in East Timor in November 1991 [ see pp. 38579-80 ; 38677 ; 38769-70 ] .
21 The chief reason for the perpetuation of party strife was the fact that politics continued to be dominated by issues which divided members of Parliament along Whig–Tory lines .
22 At the same time , however , discussion tended to be dominated by certain sets of people ; by academics , by Americans , by mathematicians and scientists , by people with little experience of younger children or of the teachers who normally guide them , by scholars whose passionate concern for their own disciplines and the elegance of thought within them may have outweighed their concern for the school curriculum and the balanced development of school children .
23 Accordingly , the regular demand and supply of currencies in the foreign exchange markets tended to be dominated by current account transactions , which were expanding quite rapidly as international trade grew faster than domestic growth rates .
24 The list tended to be dominated by mathematics and language , with science occupying an increasingly important place over the evaluation period .
25 Regardless of subject labels , children 's curriculum experiences tended to be dominated by writing , with reading , using task-specific apparatus , and listening to the teacher also prominent ; collaborative activity and talking — with the teacher or with other pupils — were a long way behind .
26 The dinner was very good , though the conversation tended to be dominated by Bernard 's stories of his new television series and the director who was disastrous , but disastrous .
27 He admitted the award now in its eighth year tended to be dominated by pubs in the North .
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