Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] her eyes " in BNC.

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1 Freed hair fluttered about her eyes in soft , damp lashes .
2 Sweat dripped into her eyes .
3 With difficulty I raised my gaze to her face , staring dazedly at the soft abundance of her mouth , the petal-perfect skin , the powerful femaleness that radiated from her eyes .
4 Tears rose in her eyes .
5 The laughter fled from her eyes as quickly as it had come .
6 Emily felt a moment of pure terror , the spectre of the workhouse on Mount Pleasant Hill rose before her eyes , the poor house where the homeless lived a life of sheer drudgery and hardship .
7 The events of the luncheon party swam before her eyes .
8 Two candles would be wasteful but the small stitches she was making in the soft leather swam before her eyes in the poor light .
9 The handwritten words swam before her eyes and her heart thudded .
10 She remembered Alain Gebrec 's warning that parts of it were unstable ; a vision of the shattered body of Wolfgang Klein swam before her eyes , her stomach contracted and her legs turned to cotton wool .
11 The pages swam before her eyes .
12 A smear of red sunlight bounced across her eyes as the ship completed its landing approach .
13 Rebecca dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief .
14 My mum dabbed at her eyes .
15 Finding one , she dabbed at her eyes .
16 The barmaid dabbed at her eyes .
17 Steve asked , grinning widely as she finally dabbed at her eyes .
18 Nicola exhaled with her eyes closed .
19 She thought of a beautiful phrase — to comfort his sad heart — and tears came into her eyes .
20 A distant look came into her eyes .
21 She raised her chin a little , and a hard look came into her eyes .
22 Tears came into her eyes as she watched him , though she could n't have said why , but she did know it was something she 'd never forget , etched on her memory now forever .
23 She stopped and tears came into her eyes .
24 She turned to the table , yawning so that the tears came into her eyes .
25 Her chest heaved , tears came into her eyes .
26 The smile slowly faded from Jennifer 's face and she sighed , then a far-away look came into her eyes as she added , ‘ A lot 's happened since then . ’
27 The metal of the gear-casing vibrated before her eyes , rattling the spanners in an open toolbox .
28 She had often thought of it and each time she did Stephen 's face came before her eyes , as clear as some mystic 's vision , the most vulnerable face she had ever seen , the face of a brave child .
29 She recalled Ian 's advice and whenever the picture came before her eyes , she tried breathing it out .
30 But a shifty , rather criminal smirk , lingered in her eyes .
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