Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] the weekend " in BNC.

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1 A year later further serious violence occurred during the weekend of 10–12 April 1981 in the Brixton area of south London ; this resulted in many injuries and widespread damage , and it attracted enormous media attention .
2 Thankfully , as he demonstrated at the weekend — during which he claimed 91 points from nine tries and 23 conversions — they happen .
3 The issues of weapons shipments , attempts to achieve a ceasefire in El Salvador , and the stalled demobilisation of the contras were expected to dominate the two-day summit , which Mr Arias described at the weekend as critical to the future of the peace process .
4 The issues of weapons shipments , attempts to achieve a ceasefire in El Salvador , and the stalled demobilisation of the contras were expected to dominate the two-day summit , which Mr Arias described at the weekend as critical to the future of the peace process .
5 The reason is that despite the presence of what ? in the formula what do/does/did … do ? this question is really a substitute for the verb phrase as a verb phrase ; it does not assume any object for the verb : ( 25 ) the nurses swam at the weekend : what did the nurses do at the weekend ?
6 The next day , fresh chip butties and burgers in hand , we readied for the weekend 's big attraction : a copy of a New Generation episode , not due to be shown here for months .
7 The fighting cast a long shadow over the UN peace-keeping operation in Croatia , where the first infantry units arrived over the weekend .
8 Relations with Ukraine and Moldova further deteriorated over the weekend after a visit to Russian strongholds in both republics by Mr Alexander Rutskoy , Russia 's Vice-President .
9 cos it happened over the weekend digging up holes in the erm in the golf course .
10 Mr Dinkins , who arrived on the weekend for his first trip to Japan , is leading a delegation of New York business executives and city officials on a week-long visit to buttress business and cultural ties .
11 and they 've done ever so well cos they did all Cos of course we had fine whether last week , they got everything done , and then it poured at the weekend but they were n't there , and now they 're back on site the weather 's cheered up again .
12 She confirmed at the weekend that she is to try for election to Europe in next year 's polls in the Conservative marginal Euro-constituency of Bedfordshire South .
13 Labour 's trade and industry spokesman , Mr Gordon Brown , who claimed at the weekend to have uncovered a further £10 million in sweeteners above the £38 million disclosed last week , continued yesterday to press the Prime Minister for details of the tax benefits offered to BAe , and to explain why Parliament has been deceived for more than 16 months about the true cost of the sale .
14 The summer arrived at the weekend .
15 When he returned after the weekend he brought with him a tool that sums up his management style — a wedge , to keep his door open .
16 I heard over the weekend of a terrible fuss because one club member was proposing to use an echo sounder to help locate fish on a lake .
17 Along with millions of youngsters , the trio are huge fans of the series which finished at the weekend .
18 A keen music lover he was also honorary general secretary of the Darlington Music Festival which finished at the weekend .
19 Faced with growing hostility or boredom over Europe , M Mitterrand threatened at the weekend to hold a referendum if the two parliamentary chambers do not give him a two-thirds majority for constitutional changes .
20 Andrew Saxton heard at the weekend that his sport 's ruling body had cleared him of cheating .
21 Hopes that harvesting which started over the weekend would continue , though , were thwarted by mid-week rain and a shortage of crops fully fit .
22 Peter and I talked over the weekend .
23 Mr Kinnock hinted at the weekend that direct democracy was likely to become mandatory relatively soon .
24 Silver revealed over the weekend Leeds ' financial situation .
25 Quite apart from the contribution you made to the weekend programme , it was good to have you with us for your own sake .
26 they had , they went for the weekend did n't they ?
27 No , darling , mummy went at the weekend .
28 And early presenter Chris Trace , who died at the weekend , fell from grace when , during his last year on the show in 1967 , he had an affair with a pretty Norwegian teenager .
29 A State funeral mass has been held in Rome for the film director who died at the weekend .
30 There 's a memorial service to the people who died at the weekend ; many of those still suffering will be there .
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