Example sentences of "[vb past] [be] [prep] touch " in BNC.

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1 Looking back on their ten years of marriage , Davina and Alastair feel they stopped being in touch with what their needs were after their children were born .
2 A trip to London was planned and they were expecting two visits — one from an elderly relative who 'd been in touch after receiving a holiday postcard and another from two people who used to live in the flat upstairs and had telephoned asking if they could call by .
3 She 'd been in touch with Tim Dunton , of course .
4 Her own business needed her attention , but she 'd been in touch with her manager , and everything was under control .
5 Goleniewski had been in touch with the CIA since 1958 during which time he had passed on to them a considerable amount of information that had led to the arrest of several important spies .
6 I understand from Simon that you had been in touch regarding your proposal .
7 It has been shown that most suicide attempters are aware of the existence of agencies where they could obtain help , such as the general practitioner , social workers , or the Samaritans ( Kreitman and Chowdhury 1973b ) ; in fact , a significant proportion of attempters had been in touch with one or more of these agencies in the weeks preceding the attempt ( Bancroft et al. 1977 ) .
8 Simultaneously we had been in touch with Sir Hubert and had discovered that he did indeed give an interview to the representative in London and had spoken ‘ off the cuff ’ to quite an extent but not justifying the outright statement attributed to him .
9 Asked if he had been in touch with his 43-year-old wife , who is absent from their country home in Chippenham , Wilts , the brigadier said : ‘ Of course I have . ’
10 Richards , who admitted United had been in touch with Francis , revealed : ‘ Alex Ferguson also telephoned me and suggested talks at chairman level might be useful .
11 They said that an AI group from Austria had been in touch with them with help and support , and that people from all over the world were pressing for his release .
12 It had been in touch with air control in Athens and had been instructed to alter course over the island of Amorgós — that 's about forty miles north-east of here — and proceed on a roughly north-north-west course .
13 The evil wind that bombed Manhattan 's World Trade Center nevertheless blew some good to the disaster recovery specialists : SunGard Data Systems Inc says it has been contacted by four subscriber companies seeking disaster recovery services following the blast — two in Four World Trade Center , one in Two World Trade Center and one in One World Trade Center ; and Comdisco Inc said it is providing disaster recovery services to three financial services companies hit by the blast , while IBM Corp 's disaster recovery unit said it had been in touch with ‘ a lot ’ of its customers , but that so far none of its customers had had to declare their workplaces to be disaster areas .
14 He arrived soon after Princess Ashraf — who had been in touch with the CIA and M16 in Europe — slipped secretly into the country , in order to , in Queen Soraya 's words , " encourage us to act " .
15 Just as Elisha could answer the widow 's need because he had been in touch with his Lord , so the Holy Spirit is God 's agent to keep us in touch with Him , and to make us pure .
16 It was , said the paper , a ‘ found object ’ , but by then David Robins had been in touch with the group , and was to share a house with one of their then leading London lights , Chris Grey .
17 Thorpe who was to have headed the bill said that he had been in touch with the promoters earlier in the year and had agreed to come over provided he was given details in writing .
18 Sir Bryan of course had been in touch with the Chief Constable about the security and policing of the tournament .
19 He had been waiting there since hearing from Bartocci , less than an hour earlier , that the kidnappers had been in touch and that the car would be leaving as soon as it got dark .
20 He had been in touch with Winston to sound him out .
21 She knew as she waited for Reception to ring her back that it could well be , if Cara had been in touch with her parents , that she stood to come off the phone feeling worse than ever .
22 Chairman Garry Gibson revealed that Murray had been in touch with a string of top clubs looking for pre-deadline newcomers .
23 Iain had been in touch with Tim and offered any support from the Church of Scotland , the Committee or other sources .
24 Iain reported that he had been in touch with the Colvins and the Newis ( retired Methodist couple with experience in Africa ) and both of these had agreed to be a support to the Mafinyani 's .
25 erm saying that erm they ha that h he had been in touch with her and actually she got in touch with him he said peculalaly peculalalary
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