Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] [prep] least " in BNC.

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1 The discussion groups ( made up of people who used or at least wanted to use credit ) suggest that while Asians may be relatively well informed about credit and particularly likely to use bank loans , West Indians are likely to use on-the-spot credit sources such as hire purchase .
2 The UV cross-linking experiments demonstrated that at least two factors are able to bind to the 80 bp fragment with molecular weights of approximately 90,000 and 30,000 daltons .
3 The Five Civilised Nations Museum in Muskogee , Oklahoma , that normally shows and sells Indian art , closed down an exhibition in 1991 when it found that at least a third of its ‘ Indian ’ artists had no tribal documentation .
4 But soon Owen 's erstwhile disciple T. H. Huxley began to question the dinosaurs ' relationships to lizards ; he saw the closeness of birds to some reptiles , and inferred that at least some dinosaurs had gone on two legs rather than four , the Iguanodon among them .
5 All Africa Press Service reported that at least 14 pro-democracy protestors in the capital , Lomé , had been killed by Togolese police on 25 January .
6 Underlining these patterns , a recent study of ninety-one claimant households with children found that the majority reported that at least one member had a chronic illness or disability ( Craig , 1991 ) .
7 Police reported that at least six people died in a gun battle involving ANC and Inkatha supporters and police at Tembisa township on May 9 .
8 The Guardian of Aug. 23 reported that at least 43 people had died in Sind in the previous 12 days as a result of armed attacks by gunmen .
9 During initial exchanges , delegates agreed that at least 1 million barrels per day ( bpd ) needed to be lopped from the cartel 's total production of more than 25 million bpd to avoid an oil glut during the second quarter of the year , when demand generally slumps with the onset of warmer weather in the northern hemisphere .
10 He claimed that his governing body , the UK Central Council for Nurses and Midwives , recommended that at least two nurses gave out the drugs to patients .
11 The Hong Kong government , no longer able to down-play the exodus , admitted that at least 45,000 of its best and brightest left last year .
12 However , the same study revealed that at least half the health visitors surveyed saw the focus of their work being the 0 — 5 age group .
13 The publication of the tape is likely to cause further concern to Diana who has already told friends that she believed that at least some of her private calls were being monitored and recorded .
14 Davies added that at least three people knew the location of Maxwell 's missing millions , which he estimated at £100 million .
15 It stipulated that at least 60 per cent of lending had to go to the private sector , and no more than 40 per cent to infrastructure projects .
16 Ten hours and two platforms later it seemed that at least a few members of the Simonova 's crew were still suffering from the emotional impact of the brooding menace which was represented by the presence of each platform in the docking bay .
17 Then , towards the end of January , people noticed that at least one boar was coming right up to the village in its nighttime foraging : there were tracks in the snow and patches of scratched earth where it had been digging for roots .
18 Trevor Davies of the UEA team estimated that at least 20 tonnes of soot fell on the Cairngorms that night , forming a layer of snow at least 5 cm thick and affecting an area of over 200 km² ; .
19 The government had launched an offensive on April 17 , and estimated that at least 330 people had died between then and May 19 , after which there was a noticeable intensification in the fighting .
20 Village residents stated that at least 100 people had been murdered and buried in mass graves in the area .
21 Fifa officials could not immediately say how many players would benefit from the yellow-card amnesty , but confirmed that at least three players would be suspended for one World Cup match after receiving red cards .
22 Fifa officials could not immediately say how many players would benefit from the yellow-card amnesty , but confirmed that at least three players would be suspended for one World Cup match after receiving red cards .
23 Panic demanded fresh elections on the grounds of large-scale fraud ; international monitors from the CSCE confirmed that at least 5 per cent of voters had been prevented from voting .
24 At a meeting of Russian and Norwegian experts to discuss ways of dealing with nuclear pollution in the Arctic , Russian experts confirmed that at least seven reactors dumped in the Kara Sea still contain nuclear fuel .
25 While half of her brain hated and despised them for the job they were doing , the other half acknowledged that at least part of her present mission was to buy newspapers and read what was said .
26 Gombrich sombrely recalled hearing about Auschwitz while working at the BBC Monitoring Service during the war : ‘ They claimed at that time — I remember that as if it were yesterday — they claimed that at least five million people had been killed , and I remember a colleague of mine coming to me to check this figure , because it seemed impossible .
27 Wilson claimed that at least 30 were promoted by the Shipping Federation alone .
28 Western news agencies claimed that at least eight had died — one monk , four civilians and three policemen — with 300 lamas involved and a crowd of 10,000 .
29 The report claimed that at least 26 people had been killed in the attack , mostly government employees who had been singled out and shot .
30 Meanwhile , survivors of the Uzgen pogrom claimed that at least 1,000 people had been killed in that town alone .
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