Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [conj] turned " in BNC.

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1 He was out again early ; too early even for the car to have been ticketed yet , as he found when he got in and turned the engine over to be sure that the cold and damp of the early hours would n't leave him with any last-minute problems .
2 I bent down and turned him until I had my hands under his arms , his back towards me , and I floated him along in the water to the steps and there strained to pull him up them and out onto the grass .
3 On the Monday , the bulldozer moved in and turned what had been a rough path into a track about 8 feet wide .
4 She had some exotic liquids in bottles , one of which Nutty tried out and turned herself native .
5 He rose unsteadily and turned back to the shattered windows , breath coming in sobs .
6 ‘ Leo ! ’ she yelled in exasperation , dashed after him and skidded to a halt as he stopped abruptly and turned .
7 He woke suddenly and turned .
8 A third-year nurse came in and turned on the radio .
9 For this to happen , aggressive drives , directed away from the father on to others in the manner which we have just described , would have had to become internalized also and turned , not against some other , but back against the
10 The TV afternoons and the hours went so slow until he came back and turned the lights on .
11 well drove out and turned , her bumper caught Mick 's wing and right up against the wheel so imagine to pull it out to drive it and the driver said oh wo n't claim on the insurance she said , erm , I 'll pay it , get three estimates and let me have them and Mick said it 's gon na be about three hundred quid , well if it had gone through the insurance he could then have put in for a hire car
12 However the guys did n't give up , and we just came out and turned the game around . ’
13 I did the er there was a an ambulance came down the road in front of a bus you see , and a chap which was on the cor , side the road and he he went like this so I stopped and the ambulance came round and turned into this building site and I and while we were sitting there bang !
14 Quadrant Park is a great , glitzy three- storeyed chasm of a club in Bootle , which on Saturday nights becomes a suffocating fleshpit of 2,500 north-western ravers tuned in and turned on to the house sound of Merseyside .
15 Peter Acton visits the popular gardening guru and live-wire broadcaster , Harry Smith , to discover how he keeps Radio Kent gardening enthusiasts tuned in and turned on
16 As it was everybody was thankfully unhurt , though a scary moment occurred when the AA member turned up and turned out to be none other than an ex-member of THE TREMELOES .
17 About to return it , she frowned instead and turned back to her talkative friends .
18 Cheeky oh , you , this thing under there like that I think I 'm tired , just have me water on , I think , I had the gas fire up and I turned round and turned it off
19 Cleo sighed heavily and turned to face the window .
20 Their barrow full they straightened up and turned to push their way towards the road .
21 But it came too late for him to do anything about it , for when he straightened up and turned towards the bank the bullet hit him in the chest and his body seemed to disintegrate and fly in all directions , and he knew that death was on him and that it was something that divided you into a million parts and each fragment screamed as it flung itself into eternity .
22 Miss Honey had heard the sound of Matilda 's feet racing over the gravel and now she straightened up and turned and stepped out of the rose-bed as the child came running up .
23 Then abruptly she got up and turned away from the Princesse .
24 One night , she got up and turned on the light and looked at the sweet , bland face of Jesus , the Light of the World , in the picture over the mantelpiece .
25 Abandoning caution , she got up and turned on Barbs 's tape machine .
26 She sucked in a steadying gulp of air , letting it go with little huffing sounds before she walked on and turned into the lane .
27 The man stepped in and turned a key in a slot marked ‘ Security ’ , then pressed a button .
28 As he stepped down and turned to kneel before the altar , he directed a swift , appraising glance at the ‘ all ’ .
29 How would you feel if you knitted yourself a nice little doll , out of the most expensive yarn you could buy , and spent the best years of your life working on it to make it as perfect as you could — then it suddenly got up and walked away and turned into something different ? ’
30 He hung up and turned to Lucy .
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