Example sentences of "[coord] realised [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Anecdotal stories show that Smith had often understood the subjects of other mathematicians ' researches better than they had themselves , but had not published because he saw further than they did , and realised that their results were special cases of a general theory not fully uncovered .
2 The bombers must have seen the persons in the well-lighted room through the open door and realised that they were almost certain to die in the explosion .
3 ( aside ; a ‘ little lad ’ of 18 ) once studies HAMLET in the course of A level lit. and realised that they did n't have pencils in those days — he remains confused ! ) .
4 She 'd intended the pleasure-bound figures by the lake to be stylized and realised that they looked sinister , as if an architect 's drawing was peopled by a sideshow of grotesques .
5 She looked from him to Michael and realised that her brother was going to go over to the man .
6 And realised that her son is a villain , ’ he finished for her .
7 Then Isabel saw Ellen 's stunned face and realised that her maid , at least , did not know she had spent the night alone .
8 A long , long , unutterably tedious wait in the lint-filled darkness , until at last I felt the tension of the crane and realised that I was being lowered into the hold .
9 It 's about time that you grew up and realised that I can not possibly be dancing attendance on you every five minutes . ’
10 Briefly he wondered if it could be true , and realised that there was no way to be sure .
11 She jiggled the receiver and realised that there was no dialling tone .
12 When Wendy opened hers , she found that it consisted entirely of crispbread and realised that she would be able to eat only during the applause — Harrison Birtwhistle 's music had not yet been written .
13 Tamar laughed with her and realised that she felt less depressed about the forthcoming confinement after this little spell of humour .
14 She stopped , repeated , ‘ What a disgusting thing to do , ’ and realised that she was shaking like a leaf , and feeling close to tears herself .
15 And realised that she was n't quite sure what she was supposed to do next .
16 Lucy looked down and realised that she was still carrying the switchblade .
17 She licked her lips nervously , and realised that she was sitting on the edge of the sofa , staring at him as though her life depended on it .
18 With a small detached part of her mind she heard her quick , breathless words and realised that she was chattering .
19 Robyn let out a deep sigh and realised that she was shaking from head to foot .
20 Fabia could n't help picking up the air of excitement about her , and realised that she was n't the only one when barely had they sat down with a cup of tea than her father , an observant man , was asking , ‘ Are you going to tell us about it — or is it a secret ? ’
21 Having stopped a couple of times for refreshment , Fabia returned to her hotel around six o'clock , and realised that she had found Mariánské Láznë quite enchanting .
22 She caught herself smiling ridiculously when he 'd gone , and realised that she felt quite cheered that he had n't simply given her a lift to Prague , seen her safely installed in the spare bedroom , and then forgotten about her .
23 He looked round and realised that he was not quite sure where he was .
24 The English clerk watched him go and realised that he , too , must return to the abbey .
25 Outside he stopped and realised that he would have to make his own way back .
26 He fumbled for his skeleton keys and realised that he had not brought them with him from the car .
27 He averted his eyes quickly , and realised that he could now no longer see the ground through the dragon .
28 George did , and yearned to tell him the Army had thought of it , that Maxim had mentioned how they worked under codenames , then wondered if the Army should tell Moscow that , too- and realised that he was after a list , as well .
29 Seated on the settee , she watched his face and realised that he was as moved as she had been .
30 Corbett stared at the hard-eyed French envoy and realised that it was impossible to press the matter .
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