Example sentences of "[coord] leads to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Their river habitat east of Quebec city has become a chemical soup of pollutants which probably causes a failure of their immune system or leads to a variety of other diseases such as bladder and other cancers , hepatitis , and perforated ulcers .
2 As Lindblom has pointed out , however , it is by no means wholly destroyed , since ‘ [ m ] onopoly weakens responses to popular control , but it neither eliminates a response or leads to a perverse one …
3 This obsession with changing its environment sometimes causes the Beaver to fall foul of local authorities , particularly when the end result obstructs the migratory routes of Salmon or leads to the flooding of woodlands and highways .
4 Allowing the taxpayers ' appeal , Lord Justice Browne-Wilkinson held that in construing a piece of legislation , reference to Parliamentary materials , subject to any question of Parliamentary privilege , is permissible where three criteria are met : the legislation is ambiguous or obscure , or leads to an absurdity ; the material relied on consists of one or more statements by a minister or other promoter of the Bill , together if necessary with such other Parliamentary material as is necessary to understand such statements and their effect ; the statements relied on are clear .
5 I do not think that is unfair or leads to an unfairness in the trial .
6 I therefore reach the conclusion , subject to any question of Parliamentary privilege , that the exclusionary rule should be relaxed so as to permit reference to Parliamentary materials where ( a ) legislation is ambiguous or obscure , or leads to an absurdity ; ( b ) the material relied upon consists of one or more statements by a minister or other promoter of the Bill together if necessary with such other Parliamentary material as is necessary to understand such statements and their effect ; ( c ) the statements relied upon are clear .
7 ‘ permit reference to parliamentary materials where ( a ) legislation is ambiguous or obscure , or leads to an absurdity ; ( b ) the material relied upon consists of one or more statements by a minister or other promoter of the Bill together if necessary with such other parliamentary material as is necessary to understand such statements and their effect ; ( c ) the statements relied upon are clear . ’
8 Parliamentary material is admissible where the legislation is ambiguous , uncertain or leads to an absurdity .
9 Pepper v. Hart ( i ) admits statements by a minister or other promoter of a Bill , where the resultant statute is ambiguous , obscure or leads to an absurdity ; however , ( ii ) the statements must be ‘ clear ’ and ( iii ) may be supported by other parliamentary material ‘ as is necessary to understand such statements ’ .
10 Legislation Which is Ambiguous or Obscure , or Leads to an Absurdity
11 The clear implication of Pepper v. Hart is that reference to parliamentary material is only permissible where the legislative text is obscure , ambiguous , or leads to an absurdity .
12 It may also be achieved through distance learning , where the course is assessed and/or leads to a further qualification .
13 For the latter system greatly reduces the incentive to export and leads to a progressive worsening of the balance of payments .
14 If logic and reason can interpret the information sent in by the senses and produce a conclusion that would change as the information changes , it is emotion that clouds our vision and leads to a state in which we do not see things as they are .
15 The skilled negotiator knows that explicitness aids common understanding and leads to a quality agreement that is more likely to stick .
16 The first part of the route is marked by flags and leads to a gate in the wall at 1,000 feet .
17 A practical one year course which builds on past experience and leads to a nationally recognised qualification .
18 It enables analysis to address the role of knowledge as power and leads to a critique of knowledge not based on its truth but on how it affects and is affected by social relations .
19 On the other hand , the first type relies on the information provided by the second which polishes , refines and leads to a redefinition of the problem .
20 The method thus supplies greater transparency and insight and leads to a unified approach offering progress along a wide front .
21 There are , however , other ways in which the discourse analyst 's approach to linguistic data differs from that of the formal linguist and leads to a specialised use of certain terms .
22 There is thus an interaction between the nature of knowledge and the process of thought , a notion which , according to Schwab , underpins modern curricular concepts such as problem solving , concept formation and enquiry , and leads to a general emphasis on ‘ process ’ rather than ‘ content ’ .
23 This is quite wrong , and leads to a tremendous waste of examination time , as well as exasperation in the mind of the examiner — an emotion that the candidate is very unwise to arouse !
24 Constituency work takes some time and leads to a multiplicity of minor preoccupations but it by no means occupies the entire day .
25 This is a remarkable development and leads to a sharp distinction according to whether the alleged improper trading practice can be shown to be within the purview of the Treaty as affecting ‘ trade between member states . ’
26 Cultural inheritance is analogous to genetical inheritance and leads to a process of evolutionary change analogous to genetical evolution .
27 Whether the existence of government debt diverts savings and leads to a reduction in real capital accumulation depends , for example , on whether people take a long-term view of the liabilities of succeeding generations and adjust bequest behaviour .
28 We have already seen that in order to pay for public goods and redistribution the government must raise tax revenues , which typically introduces allocative distortions and leads to a dead-weight burden .
29 The second is observed in very good solvents , where the tendency is for polymer-solvent interactions to predominate , and leads to a preference for even more extended conformations .
30 Each course requires one double period per week and leads to a SCOTVEC qualification .
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