Example sentences of "[coord] partly because it " in BNC.

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1 The exception was clothing , which bucked the trend of the rest of the UK textile industry partly because it supplies Marks & Spencer , and partly because it makes very little in the UK .
2 Academically the traits approach has been very largely discredited , partly because of its lack of precision and partly because it has demonstrably not worked in identifying the most effective leaders , yet it is still the most commonly used approach .
3 Official figures now show that adult training centres are full , partly because there are not enough centres and places , and partly because it has become increasingly difficult to place mentally handicapped people with firms on a full-time basis .
4 This emphasis is partly due to the background of the researchers involved ( many are human geographers and sociologists ) and partly because it is only really since the Second World War that major hazards have been monitored systematically , culminating , of course , in the last decade or so in the use of satellite technology .
5 When he was approached at the end of 1987 to become the Pru 's finance director he was tempted away , partly because the tremendous growth of PW had created ‘ more of a loss of identity as individual partners ’ and partly because it offered a new and exciting role .
6 Withdrawal now tends to be discouraged , partly because it is thought to be another form of segregation within the ordinary school , and therefore in danger of isolating and stigmatising children , and partly because it deprives children of access to lessons and activities available to other children .
7 The insertion of an adequate Human factors approach into a comprehensive design process is not easy , partly for the reason mentioned already that it has not habitually been regarded as necessary and partly because it cuts across all other decision-making .
8 He justifies this implicit raising of the required standard partly in order to encourage pupils to continue caring about geography lessons ( as opposed to reading the newspapers ) and partly because it would be unfair to give pupils taking geography a better chance of reaching university than pupils taking , say , physics under the war-time difficulties caused by shortage of laboratories and physics teachers .
9 This is partly because it began trying to sell to government schools only a year ago , and partly because it would prefer not to give its machines away .
10 The system was the last shadow of the original shield in space , pursued partly because it contained exciting high technology , partly because it might possibly offer some worthwhile advantages , and partly because it could be used to show that Mr Bush had not turned his back on Mr Reagan 's dream .
11 Japan remains tied to the Western camp partly because the relationship has become integral to her economy and politics over forty years ' association , and partly because it appears to offer the best defence against Soviet aggression and encroachment — a long-standing fear — in Northeast Asia , and the best hope of Japan 's integrity overall in a world where she has been proved to be economically and militarily vulnerable .
12 Even a turn of phrase could affect her , however worn and faded in its application , and one of her mother 's favourite sayings " What ca n't be cured must be endured , " never failed to give her a certain thrill , partly because of the grim inevitability of the rhyme , and partly because it almost managed to lend a little spare dignity to her mother 's stoic outlook .
13 But this ploy fails , partly because such a conception fails to tell us what is to count as ‘ adding 2 ’ , and partly because it relies upon a smooth interpretation of ‘ every ’ ; but we could ask about ‘ every ’ the same questions as we are asking about' + 2' , for there is always the possibility that someone should after a while begin to use ‘ every ’ as we would use ‘ every other ’ , maintaining that he was the only one in step .
14 It became increasingly influential during the 1970s , due partly to the decline of functionalism , partly to its promise to provide answers which functionalism failed to provide and partly because it was more in keeping with the tenor and mood of the times .
15 As a mineral , corundum has proved its value to man partly as an abrasive , which allowed it to play a key role in the shaping of jade , and partly because it has contributed two of the most keenly sought after transparent coloured gems , sapphire and ruby .
16 There is also a belief that as far as possible people should be made to pay for services provided by the state , partly to reduce public expenditure and taxation , and partly because it is believed that charges will increase public pressure for services to be provided efficiently .
17 She was highly critical , however , of the terms under which the League of Nations was set up in 1919 , partly because the League was permitted the use of force and economic sanctions , and partly because it was committed to supporting the Versailles settlement , which she regarded from the start as an unjust and unstable peace .
18 In a sense , this was a line which had been followed by John Hunter ; but his heirs in Britain had not pursued it , partly because of a national aversion to the vivisection which seemed a necessary part of it and partly because it seemed materialistic .
19 One recent line of research has involved the investigation of pottery distributions as a possible indicator of a town 's market area , partly because of its abundance and partly because it has been observed that pottery was not normally dispersed through permanent retail outlets .
20 Partly because she was a bloody saint — I mean that — and partly because it was n't , really , so important to her .
21 Springsteen tested it for comfort , then hid under the low coffee table , partly because it 's the only table I have and partly because it 's the ideal place to ambush somebody coming out of the bedroom with no shoes on .
22 ‘ How else can they be turned ? ’ asked Fenella , partly from interest , but partly because it would be a good idea to know as much as possible about the Workshops .
23 Graham frowned as he passed it , partly at its loud white-lettered tyres and obtrusive styling , but partly because it reminded him of something ; something to do with Slater , with Sara even .
24 Yeah well I I remember it was more a it was more or less like a feeling of physical revulsion er I felt erm on occasions like that , partly because of the person but partly because it was a bit of an imposition on on my on my intimacy as it were y'know erm so er
25 Partly for tourist reasons but partly because it does in fact provide quite a good service .
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