Example sentences of "[noun prp] decide [that] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It was much too painful for her and Pat decided that they should leave .
2 In Los Angeles David decided that he did n't want to use the set any more , that he wanted to change the whole concept of the show , and that , I think , was the last straw for DeFries because , as difficult as it was as a set , it was an incredible show , quite wonderful to look at .
3 With the meticulousness with which he was to become associated on each project , Dustin decided that he had first to get the voice of the 121-year-old man right .
4 It was not until 30 April , as disturbances mounted throughout India , that Irwin decided that he had no further option but to arrest Gandhi .
5 Farrer decided that he was a born don .
6 Having properties in Marston and Syston , they bought the manor in 1716 , when Sir George Markham decided that he wanted to move and bought an estate in Essex .
7 No such assurance was received , but the German troops advanced very rapidly , cawing some concern to Russia , so Stalin decided that he would prefer the German troops to stop halfway across Poland and he sent his — troops into that poor country from the east .
8 The Defence Secretary , Dick Cheney , said yesterday that no formal pledge was given to the rebels but US troops were moved into place on both roads on Tuesday morning , ready to intervene if Washington decided that they should .
9 Seeing how low she was , Anthony decided that she needed to get out of the house and gave her reluctant permission to spend half of each day in court .
10 ‘ And so , after having a good , long talk about the problem with both Liz and Owen , Ross decided that it would be best if we brought the girls back here , to London , until their parents leave hospital . ’
11 Because of the difference in height between the Arun and the casualty , and the prevailing weather conditions , Second Coxswain Barnes decided that it would not be possible to go alongside without causing damage .
12 This was partly because of events that were going on around me : Kathleen building towards her retirement and , as was to become highly significant , Katrina deciding that she wanted to make a move as well .
13 But Hendry was unwittingly being protected behind a wall of silence , Doyle deciding that it was pointless to unduly alarm him with so many big tournaments coming up and while police collaborated with British Telecom to try and trace the woman .
14 For that reason Doug decided that he would be the only person to watch the videos he made although he discussed the issues arising from them with Mary .
15 After an apparently unbreakable silence , Julia decided that she would have to say something else and so with considerable truth , she told him that she had missed him .
16 When at last Tamar and Stephen decided that they really must leave , Victoria pleaded for them to stay a little longer .
17 Coventry decided that it would cost more to contest the claim than pay it ; so Clarkson will get £74 for the party 's four tickets and travelling expenses .
18 After a fortnight 's visit with her mother to her aunt Mrs Poole at Ramsgate , Helen decided that she must earn some money and , if possible , live away from home where her mother 's grief-stricken restrictions and excessive dependency — so she thought — would curtail that freedom of action and expression in which her father had encouraged her .
19 Telling the caller to come right away , Sophie reflected wryly that fate was against her , and when Helen decided that she was n't needed in the surgery it seemed that she was destined to face Robert alone .
20 Whether it was when he 'd scored 10 or at some other delicate fulcrum in his innings that the Smallholder decided that he 'd sufficiently built his innings and could start unleashing his shots I know not , but the incontrovertible fact was that by tea he had 34 to his name , including five boundaries .
21 Anna decided that she must not profit by it in any way and consulted Constanza — she always did : You are my chief heir and it will affect you — Constanza told her to go ahead .
22 When Mussolini took over in Italy , Anna decided that it was her duty to make her protest on Italian soil as an Italian citizen ( a not too vulnerable one for the time being , but she tried her best ) .
23 Jo decided that she could work with anyone who hugged a tree .
24 McLeish decided that it was probably not the moment to suggest to her that the real reason any civil servant disliked lobbyists must be that the chaps were paid to make sure Ministers got a view other than the Departmental one .
25 The nationalists strengthened their position until the British admiral commanding the naval force at Alexandria decided that he must destroy its fortifications if his ships were to be safe .
26 Elsie decided that she wanted to stay in Naples . ’
27 Rosie gave him an affectionate kiss , and Shelley decided that she needed to go for a walk around the hospital , to leave the two together for a while .
28 But setting her misgivings about Tommaso himself aside , Caterina decided that she had been quite wrong to think that it was she who had caught his attention .
29 On his return to the USA Horton decided that it was time to try out some of his ideas , and to test them with the light of practical experience .
30 Malky decided that it would be special , but it turned out to be more special that he expected .
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