Example sentences of "[noun prp] insist [that] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Colin insists that they had expected the ensuing fuss .
2 Mr Doe insists that he is no opponent of privatisation as such and has no political axe to grind : ‘ I 'm not concerned who owns BR as such : there could be advantages in taking BR out of the public sector in terms of investment rules ’ , he said .
3 Mr Saldykov insists that he has a contract to sell 84 tonnes of red mercury over the next three years to an American company called API International .
4 We do occasionally get calls from people who 've dialled a number listed in one of the ads only to find that it 's wrong — an old lady in Dunfirmline insisting that she 's definitely not selling a Malmsteen Strat — or perhaps giving the ‘ unobtainable ’ tone on a number which does n't exist .
5 When the illicit treat was over Richard insisted that they find their benefactor , now at work in the hot , wasp-infested interior of the raspberry cage , and thank him .
6 Sue insisted that we take her telephone number and told us that we should feel able to ring her at any time , day or night , with any problem , however trivial it seemed .
7 The family received me very warmly and Signora Ugolotti insisted that I should have something to eat : white coffee made with acorns , and home-made bread .
8 Although Gregory insisted that he was related to thirteen of his predecessors in the see , his family was most obviously connected with Burgundy and the Auvergne , and a local priest , Riculf , saw him as an outsider .
9 Louisa felt a little helpless before his diffident manner , and she was surprised when Emilia insisted that she remain in the room throughout Frere 's third visit ; surprised and discomfited , for it was not a happy interview .
10 Diplomatic throughout , Dr Greenspan insisted that he was no expert on the Soviet economy , and had not come to offer instant solutions .
11 Rush insists that he only acted under the strain of mental pressure .
12 No one can deny that he is more exciting , excitable and unconventional , with a mix of old and new Hollywood rolled up into a package that mixes James Dean with Humphrey Bogart , though Nicholson insists that he does not want to be compared with anyone .
13 Despite all the setbacks and frustrations , however , Turner insists that he is not disillusioned with the music business .
14 Latimer pleaded for time to prepare a defence to the charges against him , but William of Wykeham insisted that he should answer them immediately .
15 Hopper insisted that he wanted these lads in the film , not the one the production people had selected .
16 Sukarno insisted that it had to go on ‘ with united forces and tireless energy ’ .
17 This afternoon Gould insisted that he would n't be changing his mind .
18 However , in an interview from his home in the Army 's Dhaka cantonment on Dec. 9 Ershad insisted that he was still planning to contest the forthcoming parliamentary , and possibly presidential , elections .
19 And when Jumblatt insisted that he would order his men to advance into east Beirut , Assad had angrily walked out of the meeting .
20 Some who had driven over the Berwyns insisted that they had had to put their headlights on , and this in the middle of a July day .
21 Michaels and the three other Boyz : Shawn Stockman , Nathan Morris and Wayna Morris insist that he was not the victim of a mob feud .
22 Clearly , Devlin does not believe this to be possible , whereas Hart insists that it must be .
23 Jackie and Jaafer insist that it stands and are prepared to take the company on in court .
24 Whilst I saw myself as the hero 's faithful sidekick got up as I was in cowboy gloves with real leather fringes , two guns in holsters buckled on and tied around the leg for fast draws , ten gallon hat and waistcoat , Skippy insisted that I be the daughter of the murdered rancher whose cattle were being rustled .
25 Today the four Boyz whose single is at no. 4 in our chart , flew into Britain for their first ever performance here , with their front-man Michael McCary insists that it will never turn him into a snob .
26 Robson insists that he will not play for a draw .
27 Mr Delors insists that it is up to the pontifical authorities to check that everything is above board .
28 Only the pain was getting rather tedious and Meg insisted that I had it done now before I retired , on the theory I suppose , that better in the Government 's time than my own . "
29 The board is also having to readvertise for a replacement to Dr Forwell after Mr Fyfe insisted that he must have a say in the appointment .
30 The US repeatedly asked Israel to ensure that Harari , aged 62 , to leave Panama , but Israel insisted that he was a private citizen , a claim which was treated with considerable scepticism by Washington .
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