Example sentences of "[noun prp] lie in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Talabheim lies in the centre of the Great Forest and for this reason it is sometimes known as the Eye of the Forest , where , like the eye of a cyclone , all is calm amidst the danger all around .
2 The key similarity for Freud lies in the dominance of unconscious processes both for infants and for early man .
3 We rode on to the moors and found Linton lying in the same place as before .
4 Badgeworth lay in the depths of the country , and there had been a lot of heavy rain of late .
5 Veronica lay in a bikini on Sara 's lilo on the lawn ; Rodney was rubbing sun tan lotion on her back .
6 While Donna lay in the bathtub , inaccurately bawling the bits she could remember of My Fair Lady , Alex dialled Matthew 's number , only to find that he had switched on his answering machine .
7 The wounded who were carried in from the attack on the Rebecca lay in the shade under the trees while their hurts were being dressed .
8 Delaney , Nell and Andrevitch lay in the cramped area of a bifurcation of the vent , dark , claustrophobic , sweating — but safe .
9 Edward lay in the bath as the water cooled around him — as usual it had never been adequately hot — and allowed physical discomfort to complement his state of mind .
10 And Hilderbridge lay in the sunshine , its slate roofs all turned to planes of silver , its spires sharp needles , as if a silversmith had made it and dropped it in the valley between the meadows and the moor .
11 For all of this , you might well expect to pay a premium price , but with a recommended price of £149 , which is very likely to be discounted to under the £100 mark , DesignWorks lies in the ‘ affordable ’ bracket .
12 The Seychelles lie in the middle of the Indian Ocean , just a few degrees south of the equator .
13 However , the origins of increasing tension between the vicomtes of Béarn and the Plantagenets lie in the consequences of the disputes which developed after 1287 over the succession to Bigorre , Marsan and Béarn .
14 Mildred lay in a glum heap under the blankets with the cat purring like a lawn-mower on her pillow , trying to think if there was any possible advantage in another year with Miss Hardbroom at the helm , but there was n't .
15 He put out the lights and quietly left the room and Maggie lay in the darkness until the moonlight flooded each dark corner .
16 Artemis lay in the darkened room .
17 The skeleton of the Gesta Consulum Andegavorum lay in a set of genealogies less reliable and less complete than those found at St Aubin 's in Angers under Fulk le Réchin .
18 Prior to the republican government reforms political and social power in Spain lay in the hands of a powerful minority of the church , army , and landowners .
19 Rachaela lay in the chair , listening to the echo .
20 He was suddenly tired and the beer was going to his head , making him think of Madra lying in the house they had left , and of the long journey ahead of them through the mountains .
21 I plan a scene here in which the car makes its way through the vast landscape , the wounded Masai lying in the back .
22 Snow lying in the sun and making the place we had lived in for years suddenly fresh and rare .
23 Lake Pátzcuaro lies in a small ( 927km 2 ) , closed intermontane basin in the volcanic highlands of Michoacán ( Fig. 1 ) .
24 Vega , in Lyra , is skirting the northern horizon , and any slight mist will hide it ; it is worth noting that Vega , Polaris and Capella lie in a fairly straight line , so that when Capella is high up Vega is low down , and vice versa .
25 Both players missed the 17 fairway to the right with Wilson lying in the more favourable position it looked like he at last might take the lead but using all his experience McCarroll succeeded on the green for a half .
26 The chief obstacles to Ecotopia lie in the economic , political , cultural and ideological levels .
27 Hazel lay in the warm , dark burrow with a delightful sense of security .
28 The one change to what he had recounted to Mrs Wilson lay in the time he had spent in London : he told Maidstone he 'd spent six months there .
29 The tombs of Beni Hasan lay in an escarpment on the eastern bank .
30 For the last few days of her life Julia lay in a drugged sleep , free from pain and still managing a faint smile for Pat as he hung over her , gripping her hand .
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