Example sentences of "[noun prp] be beside she " in BNC.

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1 Lucy was beside her , smiling and weary .
2 She drove as if Lucy was beside her — usually she cursed every cut-throat city driver — and sucked the hell out of a row of pre-rolled cigarettes , cigarettes rolled hastily at red lights , slamming in and out of gear .
3 Alain was beside her as she stepped out into the sunlight and his hand closed around her arm .
4 On winged feet Virginia was beside her , slipping her arm beneath Lucy 's and round the other girl 's back , and giving her a reassuring hug , ‘ Come on , come and lie down in my room ; I 'll ring Dr Newne … ’
5 Steve was beside her , leaning across her to turn off the tap .
6 I could see Xanthe 's troubled face clearly , and also Filmer 's beside her .
7 Silas was beside her .
8 Jimmy was beside her now , and took her arm , helping her to stand .
9 Then Luke was beside her .
10 Luke was beside her in response to her small , involuntary squeal .
11 She slept the whole journey , content in the knowledge that Luke was beside her , in control , in her heart .
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