Example sentences of "[noun prp] be [pron] brother " in BNC.

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1 He was court-martialled and on 3 May 1916 he was executed by a firing squad at Kilmainham Gaol , Dublin , as on 4 May was his brother William , who had acted as his aide-de-camp .
2 It has to be faced , as the knowledge that Fergus was my brother had to be faced .
3 ‘ I know Mickey 's my brother , but he scares even me when he gets annoyed . ’
4 Horne was my brother 's friend . ’
5 If Jesus is our brother , he is a brother of a very special sort .
6 You ca n't prove that Oliver 's my brother . ’
7 Next to Victor was his brother Ernest , slender and rather dandyish in his dress although , like the rest of his family , he was in deep mourning .
8 I 'm not very good with people and , even though Eric is my brother , I have n't seen him for over two years , since he went crazy .
9 Bill was her brother .
10 Known relatives of Cenwulf are his brothers Ceolwulf and Cuthred , his queen Ælfthryth , daughter Cwenthryth , Cuthred 's son Cenwald , and Cyneberht and Abbot Cunwald , who appear in charters .
11 Charles is my brother — ’
12 Mark was my brother , ’ she declared harshly , curling her fingers around the handle , ‘ and you helped kill him . ’
13 Mark was my brother ; I know he had his faults , but he was never a liar . ’
14 Waiting for Waddy on the liner Orontes was his brother , Canon Percival Stacy Waddy , en route to Sydney .
15 She is Hywel 's wife and Hywel is my brother .
16 ‘ After all , Thomas is his brother . ’
17 Max is my brother , and Richard Brachard an old friend .
18 Charlie 's your brother , is he ? ’
19 ‘ When I was younger , I used to wish Bartholomew was my brother because , God forgive me , I did not like Ralph . ’
20 James was his brother 's obvious successor in both posts , but Archibald announced first that for the moment he would himself retain control of the Scottish survey and second that he would not sanction the holding of the Murchison chair by any survey geologist .
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