Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [pron] corner " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 're not very successful as a story-teller , ’ the bachelor said suddenly from his corner .
2 She gulped down the Martini offered to her and sat down on the sofa by Penelope , who edged away into her corner , recognising in Robina Fairfax 's shapeless grey woollen dress and strings of painted wooden beads the kind of woman she sometimes met at her landlady 's ‘ evenings ’ .
3 Moving round the table , I jabbed myself painfully on its corner , and burst into tears .
4 I stand rock still in my corner .
5 Technical advice from fellow Lancastrian John Spencer helped to land last year 's title and he is again in his corner .
6 ‘ You were certain enough last Saturday afternoon when you put the boot in , ’ said Pascoe casually from his corner .
7 When she went out , Matthew , who was sitting quietly in his corner , whispered to Anne , ‘ Keep a little imagination , Anne , not too much , of course , just a little . ’
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