Example sentences of "[adv] [be] called a " in BNC.

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1 That term was automatically held to be satisfied when the effects on the interests of the individual were felt to be serious enough to warrant procedural protection , and this was so whether the context was deprivation of an office , expulsion from a trade association , the destruction of one 's property , or the loss of something which would juridically be called a privilege .
2 I have suggested that a meaningful way to set the limits as to what may rightly be called a Christian position , is that Christians are those who proclaim Jesus to have been unique .
3 In a medical textbook , the choice between clavicle and collar-bone can justly be called a matter of stylistic variation .
4 In the North , the bishops pursued the Irish catholic community 's interests in what could only be called a spirit of ‘ pillarization ’ .
5 The philosopher Mark Johnson has recently produced what can only be called a constructivist account of linguistic meaning and reasoning .
6 MYSELF and Marco Polo is a working model of a novel , a clever toy , a verbal tournament , a facetious blueprint for a possible future seriousness : it could only be called a success if its author 's aim was merely to intrigue , and I do not feel that Paul Griffiths can be that crude .
7 My own family was at once strongly nuclear and part of what can only be called a clan .
8 Elsewhere the band choose what can only be called a hardcore bubblegum sound and by the time you get to the final furlong , this regularity means the fizz is starting to fade and you dearly want the guitars to twist and shout and sing .
9 Each of the five judgments rambles over the territory in what can only be called a head-scratching way , making it impossible for the consumer of the judgment to know at the end just what the law is held to be , except negatively , and then only negatively on a few points .
10 ( If someone drew a graph displaying numerical information about photos , this would perhaps be called a ‘ photo-graph ’ and the word would be regarded as a compound ) .
11 This is a choice ( whether conscious or unconscious is a different matter ) , but could scarcely be called a style .
12 The Clermont elections , if that is the right word , provide a startling insight into the appointment of bishops in a civitas , which , if it can scarcely be called an insignificant see , was certainly not one in the forefront of royal policy .
13 That would usually be called an engine , and in a car the engine just burns petrol and produces the mechanical energy in the shaft which turns the wheels , so the course is learning about the nature of mechanical forces and energy , thermal forces and energy and of the conversion of one form of energy to another , and in the process you learn that there are fundamental scientific laws — in particular the second law of thermo-dynamics — which says that you ca n't necessarily go form energy in one form with a hundred percent efficiency to getting it out in another form , so this limitation on your ability to convert from one form into another without waste in fact comes into many , many processes and every day processes .
14 She could be described as prejudiced but she can no more be called a racist than a rape victim who hates men can be called sexist .
15 I suppose , now would , could that possibly be called a false economy ?
16 If Pollard 's architecture is so disposable and flippant that it is odd to call him a ‘ patron ’ , Palumbo 's patronage is so single-minded that he can hardly be called a developer .
17 In 1922 the capital of the guberniia could hardly be called a bastion of the proletariat .
18 There had already been a kerfuffle over the pornographic ones ; they could n't be included in the facsimile edition and yet at the same time it could hardly be called a complete edition if they were n't there .
19 They are low , so low that they can hardly be called a threshold — more a ramp , with a sign over it begging ‘ Please , please walk up ’ .
20 The integration of its railway system — it could hardly be called a network — was a major problem .
21 The elongated , slightly oval hummock could hardly be called a grave , more a burial mound .
22 The garden could hardly be called a garden ; it was large , wild and not too well kept .
23 There was bougainvillaea in flower , clambering up the stone walls , small white roses on thin stalks among the weeds , and wild flowers in what could hardly be called a garden .
24 While the Dak can hardly be called a sprinter , its relative simplicity means that a true ‘ cab rank ’ operation can be staged , with the aircraft out on the pan ready to start as soon as the alarm is raised and a back-up aircraft ready to go beyond that very quickly .
25 Now to an event that could hardly be called a sport , even though it did produce a new British champion .
26 LADY in black Jackie Miller could hardly be called a mo-pedestrian either .
27 ‘ That could hardly be called a conciliatory speech , ’ said Isambard delicately .
28 There is nothing that could reasonably be called a head ; merely a small light-sensitive spot ; no heart , only a number of pulsating arteries ; no fins or limbs , only a slight dilation at the hind end like the flight feathers of an arrow .
29 Although an impressive example of children sharing and exploring ideas together , this could not reasonably be called a ‘ collaborative group activity ’ of the sort we were anticipating .
30 Nevertheless , the rewritten version conforms so closely to the original , with just isolated words changed , that it can not reasonably be called a paraphrase .
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