Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] themselves [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Those who do not voluntarily or semi-voluntarily place themselves under the authority of relatively just governments are under a partial and qualified obligation to recognize the authority of such a government in their country .
2 A company of porcupines crowded themselves together one cold winter 's day so as to profit from one another 's warmth and so save themselves from being frozen to death .
3 Instead of accepting that their normal circuit is not possible and organising an alternative , they may try to make their formal pattern and so run themselves into an even more difficult situation .
4 And Y ? is the reason I can not find a genuinely happy ending to this story ; there seems to be a choice between adding poisonous chemicals and not — both of which apparently lend themselves to doom and disaster for the earth and its creatures , rather than sweetness and happiness ever after .
5 Essentially it is the ultimate perfection — a hostile critic might say ‘ emasculation ’ — of Netherland polyphony , its florid elements pruned , its dissonances disguised or mollified by preparation and other devices which so lend themselves to codification that ‘ the style of Palestrina ’ has become the ideal model for students of sixteenth-century composition .
6 ( b ) that some parts or aspects of a topic naturally lend themselves to comparisons or joint treatment .
7 While Gould 's first impressions were not favourable , he was determined , as he wrote to Sir John Franklin , to keep an open mind : ‘ The heat and dust of Sydney is extremable neither does the presence of Drunkards which constantly present themselves in the streets add to the interest of this place , time and better acquaintance with the country will however perhaps enable me to speak better of it . ’
8 They constantly get themselves in debt . "
9 The great goods depots of London possess an importance superior even to that of the passenger termini themselves and furnish to the keen observer fields of study every whit as interesting as those afforded by the heterogeneous masses of humanity which daily pack themselves into express and local trains .
10 They will make no move to attack or talk to the adventurers , but merely interpose themselves between the adventurers and the path to the Castle .
11 One of his bands are at the Paprika tonight ; they are called Dance Lance and they consist of three limber , head-shaven , androgynous boys who all knight themselves with the same name , which is Ron .
12 Such places always have a high status in the local settlement hierarchy and frequently occupy a central position geographically ; they most obviously manifest themselves in the form of towns and cities .
13 If all their mistakes are exposed and judged , they swiftly feel themselves to be victims of an unyielding system .
14 TORQUAY , PAIGNTON AND Brixham together promote themselves as the ‘ English Riviera ’ : they offer 22 miles of coastline with 18 beaches .
15 Girls who suddenly find themselves with enormous breasts may collapse in on themselves in embarrassment or try to hide behind folded arms , and the result is an equally collapsed voice which often gives out altogether at crucial moments .
16 But the thing is , what they do tend to do is , they suddenly find themselves in a panic because they 've behaved like this about it and the person at the other end is shouting when are you coming to see this organ
17 In fact , however , the dialectical interplay of the two means that real productive forces only manifest themselves in forms dictated by real social relations .
18 He issues this warning to parents : ‘ Let them not too much apply themselves to the disposition of their children ’ — in short , not to become obsessed with the whole business of bringing them up .
19 The magnetised spheres move in such a way that the colours naturally align themselves with the magnetic field of the Earth , following the points of the compass .
20 Some members of management committees none the less throw themselves into their new role with enthusiasm .
21 It is a truth which I can never now forget as I go about a world in which human beings apparently have themselves under control .
22 As we shall see in Chapter 6 , much conformity may be explained by powerlessness in the face of social circumstances , where the actors recognise their inability to change things , and so resign themselves to making the best of it .
23 There are presses which are strictly private in the Carter sense , operating in anything from a back kitchen to a fully equipped shop , perhaps content simply to joy in the smell of printer 's ink and the magic of creation , without aiming to sell a single book ; publishing firms calling themselves presses who rightly pride themselves on the high quality of their output ; commercial printers who are equally jealous of the standard of their press work ; teaching establishments attached to universities , colleges and schools for experimental and training purposes ; official presses , controlled by governmental or other agencies ; fugitive and clandestine presses , often short-lived and hazardously operated , because of an adverse political or religious climate , or because their owners are dodging copyright laws ; and there is a hotch-potch of firms who pretentiously arrogate to themselves the word ‘ press ’ , to which they have little or no right in terms of either fine printing or independence .
24 Given the need for an extensive approach within the limitations noted above , and given that the first stage of the fieldwork demonstrated that heroin users generally confine themselves to specific networks , it was decided to use a ‘ network analysis ’ approach using the technique of snowball sampling , or chain referral ( Fraser and Hawkins 1984 , p. 82 ) .
25 They just let themselves in the back door , he said , took the money and smashed the place .
26 Our appeal to our traditional supporters was not enough to outweigh our lack of success with those growing numbers who no longer count themselves as working class .
27 Few of these books , however , have any relevance to teaching undergraduate computer science as they normally restrict themselves to a single language on a single make of computer .
28 It is just that modern physicists seem to have more imaginative ways of naming new particles and phenomena — they no longer restrict themselves to Greek ! )
29 In extremely dry periods , the lungfish of Africa just bury themselves in the mud at the bottom of their temporary ponds , and wait for as long as it takes until it rains again .
30 Within such studies there is a tendency also to concentrate on those ‘ academic ’ components of the curriculum which more easily lend themselves to didactic modes of exposition and question-and-answer teaching .
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