Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] themselves in " in BNC.

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1 While Gould 's first impressions were not favourable , he was determined , as he wrote to Sir John Franklin , to keep an open mind : ‘ The heat and dust of Sydney is extremable neither does the presence of Drunkards which constantly present themselves in the streets add to the interest of this place , time and better acquaintance with the country will however perhaps enable me to speak better of it . ’
2 They constantly get themselves in debt . "
3 Such places always have a high status in the local settlement hierarchy and frequently occupy a central position geographically ; they most obviously manifest themselves in the form of towns and cities .
4 But the thing is , what they do tend to do is , they suddenly find themselves in a panic because they 've behaved like this about it and the person at the other end is shouting when are you coming to see this organ
5 In fact , however , the dialectical interplay of the two means that real productive forces only manifest themselves in forms dictated by real social relations .
6 They just let themselves in the back door , he said , took the money and smashed the place .
7 In extremely dry periods , the lungfish of Africa just bury themselves in the mud at the bottom of their temporary ponds , and wait for as long as it takes until it rains again .
8 Science seeks to discover the operation of general laws which , by their nature , always manifest themselves in certain situations .
9 Women in business today still find themselves in a male-dominated environment where only 20% of managers are women .
10 But while the United States , France , the UK and Germany still find themselves in similar league positions to a hundred years ago , there is now a growing challenge from a dozen or more previously dependent nations , especially in Asia .
11 Do the bacteria , perhaps , have something to gain , but usually keep themselves in check ?
12 For instance , Music and Sports both find themselves in the Arts .
13 Using these glands and other means , they accurately regulate the pressure of gas in the bladder , and hence keep themselves in precise hydrodynamic equilibrium .
14 Architects often bury themselves in individual building projects , ignoring any responsibility to the public space of the city ; planners work at a scale where the street is seen only as a traffic channel … ‘
15 In the years leading up to retirement and after , women often find themselves in the role of carer , looking after an aged partner or ailing parents and other relations , or in certain situations , adult children .
16 Neither would a sovereign state 's government necessarily want to oppose transnational corporations , for the former often find themselves in the unenviable position of needing the latter more than the latter need them .
17 Concern was also expressed about the lack of rights for trainees — they often find themselves in a vulnerable situation .
18 Younger women , on reaching 30 , often find themselves in conflict over whether to marry , have children , or combine motherhood with a career .
19 With the changes in the political environment and the climate globally and continentally , some companies which have grown and built their considerable business on the production of arms now find themselves in a changed situation ; many have moved very rapidly to the formulation of new products and services quite distinct from their original product base .
20 The book will examine the industrial changes that influenced the separate development of ‘ company men ’ in America , Europe and Asia — men who now find themselves in competition with each other .
21 For example , it can be argued that between the orally produced blues of the solitary rural Southern black and the equally orally produced collective ‘ gospel song ’ of black Southern churches there are some rather crucial sociological differences , which typically manifest themselves in clear musical contrasts ( secular/religious ; personal/group ; solo/choral ; rhapsodic/iterative ; free rhythm/ strong pulse ; and so on ) .
22 Managers mainly comfort themselves in the knowledge that physical and financial resources for clinical work are in short supply in the NHS .
23 In our culture women typically conceptualise themselves in relation to others ; discussion of the implications of this can be found in several of the papers ( Alison Assiter , Lorraine Code , Jean Grimshaw and Judith Hughes ) .
24 Phytoplankton have adapted to low-light conditions , and even orient themselves in the water column to bask more efficiently and store energy with which they fix carbon during darker periods .
25 In a thoughtful exploration of the relevance of Caplan 's crisis theory ( 1961 ) for social work practice , O'Hagan proposed that the chaotic situations which frequently present themselves in a social service department require a different understanding of the nature of a crisis and the part played by a social worker in resolving it .
26 The libertarians , in common with the ideologists of the left , whose tactics they often self-consciously copy , frequently find themselves in conflict with their own party , which they claim is insufficiently ideological ( Durham , 1985 ; Gamble , 1986 ) .
27 Since power has the capacity to sanctify crimes , almost in strict proportion to their enormity , corporate officials frequently discover themselves in the enviable situation of being able to conclude that ‘ it will ’ .
28 Groups of children sometimes can invent games of their own , or maybe entertain themselves in their own way if they are free of adult interference .
29 In the hope that deteriorating wartime conditions in Vietnam would spark insurrection , a liberation army of sorts was being formed on the border ; but when the attack went off at half-cock ( leaders executed or arrested and followers dispersed ) another threat to the French position was removed and it must have become clear that the only credible threat to French power lay in France itself , at least until the forces of nationalism were able to attract some effective outside sponsorship or else embed themselves in the people to the point where they became an organized national resistance .
30 The politics of marginalisation are essential in the smooth operating of a set of social and economic policies intended to reform radically a welfare state , maintain unemployment and to deal with the consequences that therefore manifest themselves in social problems such as public disorder , addictions , inner city riots and rebellious fractions of communities .
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