Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] together [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Infinite Wheel present four UK harmonised house cuts loosely gathered together under the same title , the ‘ Dream Of Dreams ’ mix holding the dancefloor tactics whilst the epic and trippy ‘ Big Blue Mix ’ and ‘ Bay Of Rainbows ’ melt into each other to create a floaty yet still club-viable waxing .
2 Such ensembles were not merely gathered together for the occasional ballet ; there were , in fact , three standing oboe bands at court , or , more accurately , three ensembles whose members played the oboe much of the time .
3 The fighting in our immediate area seemed to have quietened down as we handed over the prisoners to join , I would think , about a couple of hundred , all gathered together in a field close to the orchard .
4 In Lucien 's family , they had only come together at the times appointed by the Church : meals , various holidays , family councils and those mysterious , Church-nominated occasions when children were conceived .
5 The real success formula became evident from the very beginning a mixture of good humour , innuendo , cliché , double-entendre all mixed together in a cauldron of what was plainly goodwill and a desire for a good time .
6 Why are engineering , medicine and agriculture not all grouped together as applied sciences ?
7 Cheese/egg meals • Egg or cheese and tomato sandwiches , yogurt ; • egg or cheese on toast , fruit ; • jacket potato , grated cheese , sweetcorn ; • lentil or pea soup topped with grated cheese , bread , fruit ; • a two-egg omelette with baked beans or peas , bread , yogurt , fruit ; • cauliflower cheese , peas , bread ; • a liquid meal : a banana , skimmed milk , an egg and a little wheatgerm all whisked together into a milk-shake .
8 I worked my way along the haphazard-looking perimeter fence formed from the tombs of kings and bishops ; all one piece , all stitched together by a web of carved stone and iron railings .
9 The three of them seemed to have been inexorably drawn together with each step they had taken .
10 They have only played together for 45 minutes at international level , when Shearer scored on his debut against France nine months ago .
11 In Kendal prosperous merchants and clothiers had established a middle class , and the Kendal yards , with the merchant 's house , the workers ' cottages , and the spinning and weaving lofts all packed together under close supervision opened up new conditions .
12 Nietzsche 's great book and theory of the superman , has inspired much music — notably the tone poem of Richard Strauss , the enormous 3rd symphony of Mahler and Delius ' Mass of Life , all brought together in this residency of the Netherlands ' Brabant Orchestra , who created such a major impact with their series at the ‘ 89 Brighton Festival .
13 But we 've all pulled together as a team .
14 Banyan Systems Inc says Microsoft Corp 's Windows NT has been integrated into its Vines enterprise networks : Banyan 's Windows NT client support will offer users complete integration into the Vines network with access to Banyan 's enterprise network services , all linked together with the StreetTalk III global directory service , enabling NT to be implemented as a Vines client or application server within the Banyan Vines enterprise .
15 Banyan 's Windows NT client support will offer users complete integration into the Vines network with access to Banyan 's enterprise network services , all linked together with the StreetTalk III global directory service , enabling NT to be implemented as a Vines client or application server within the Banyan Vines enterprise .
16 They owned extensive producing acreage and developed strong brand names in consuming markets , all linked together by processing units and captive fleets of ships .
17 She told her parents how she and Susan had bumped into the two lads from Northallerton and that they 'd all gone together to the Lobster Pot for a drink .
18 It was all put together with really good attention to detail .
19 Mont Blanc , for instance , consists of many different kinds of rock , all jumbled together in such a way that , if you sliced the mountain anywhere , the two portions would differ from each other in their internal constitution .
20 He dates this earlier layer to 1735–6 , perhaps put together for Bach 's recital at the Dresden Frauenkirche in December 1736 .
21 They 're only stapled together in the corner are n't they ?
22 Connelly 's haunting , purposeful vocals seep out of the cut at strange angles , spoken rather than sung , whilst the melody is bolstered by seductive female whispers that gently flit past , all knotted together over a boomy bass laden communication .
23 The canteen staff have all worked together in this project , making home-made sweets , cakes , jams and chutneys .
24 Well I , well I say , we 've looked at it slightly different because we 've only , we 've only worked together for five weeks .
25 I have heard of considerably larger numbers being taken by other people but when I hear such tales I am inclined to wonder how it is that so many can become so jammed together without suffocating in such a small hole .
26 Since 1926 ( 1939 in Scotland ) stillbirths ( over 28 weeks gestation ) have been compulsorily recorded together with cause .
27 ‘ Our beloved daughter was brutally murdered together with her husband , Harry .
28 They were literally held together in sickness and health .
29 ( He continued to insist , nonetheless , that that one-sidedness had been necessary , and that the negative points he had made must not be withdrawn , nor even weakened , but merely held together with the positive .
30 All-glass tanks are available in a wide range of shapes and sizes some so huge that it is easy to doubt that such a fragile framework , only held together with silicone sealant and weighing anything up to 1000 kilos ( 2000 lb ) or more when filled and stocked , is capable of withstanding all the pressure without collapsing .
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