Example sentences of "[adv] [be] known [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Commanding Generals rarely are known for their sense humility .
2 The series ' existence has hitherto only been known to people who visited the late Dollie de Rothschild 's ( died 1988 ) private house in London , but her heir Lord Rothschild has decided that they should go on display next year in Waddesdon Manor , the house she gave to the National Trust during her lifetime .
3 The effect was explosive , and deeply embarrassing to the government 's position , which for years had been obstructive — to such an extent that Britain had long been known as ‘ The Dirty Man of Europe ’ .
4 Mr Chaskalson has long been known as a human-rights lawyer defending people charged under South Africa 's apartheid and terrorism laws .
5 Its colour used to range from yellowish or tawny to dark red , but the red was always preferred and the breed is now characteristically ‘ ruby red ’ — a dark but bright blood colour — and it has long been known as the Ruby of the West .
6 The way he wears you down , the way he bleeds you white — if his name were Julian Barnes , he would have long been known as the Glacier .
7 Samuel Irving — ‘ Si ’ — Newhouse jr , second-generation New York billionaire , had long been known as a collector of modern American art , but his November 1988 purchase of Jasper John 's False Start propelled him into the public consciousness .
8 In any case , it seems inevitable that the development of the mechanical clock should have been primarily due to the Church for , although the transmission of power by rope and pulley had long been known to craftsmen , the mathematics of gear-trains ( particularly astronomical trains ) was known only to the highly educated , and their education was provided only by the Church .
9 So that was what I was doing in Baldersdale — looking for survivors in what has long been known to be a botanically rich area .
10 The Padovani family had long been known to John Coffin since they had once run a restaurant near where he had lodged as a young detective .
11 Collagen has long been known for its hydrating power and as a source of nutrients for the skin , but its penetration into the epidermis has always been limited by its high molecular weight .
12 It has long been known for its very good annual conferences , and for giving the Eleanor Farjeon Award .
13 Singapore has long been known for its campaigns against littering , smoking , spitting and jay-walking , but it may be the only place in the world trying to toilet train an entire nation .
14 Of the second here illustrated , the Moss Provence , Miller said that it had not long been known in London and the first time he saw it ‘ was in 1727 in the garden of Dr Boerhaave near Leyden who was so good as to give me one of the plants , but from where it came I could not learn .
15 It has long been known in education circles that a clear correlation exists between social class background and examination success .
16 Indeed , lady 's slipper , skullcap , valerian and other herbs have long been known by Western herbalists to have such calming effects .
17 South of the Brabant Massif the existence of workable Upper Carboniferous coals beneath deformed Devonian rocks has long been known from mines and boreholes through the Faille du Midi or Midi Overthrust , the major thrust-fault complex of the Variscan Front .
18 Some of the coarser ones have long been known from simple histological studies , but more recent mapping of the nerve tracts and individual axonal connections has required a variety of specialized techniques .
19 By the 1960s the mass of Venus had long been known from its gravitational effect on the orbit of the Earth and of Mercury .
20 But it has long been known from careful palaeontological studies that even in the thick development in the Cotswolds , there is evidence of two major breaks and a period of folding in what otherwise was a very peaceful period in British geological history .
21 OUP is pleased to announce that Volumes 1 and 2 of The Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English are having their sub-titles promoted and will henceforth be known as The Oxford Dictionary of English Idioms and The Oxford Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs .
22 At a congress on May 26 , 1990 , the Left Party-Communists ( Vänsterpartiet Kommunisterna — VpK ) voted by 136 votes to 133 to drop the word communist from its name ; it would henceforth be known as the Left Party .
23 An estimate of charges including taxation which will only be known with certainty at the end of the year has been fairly included .
24 Each of these peculiar histories is punctuated with peculiar rhythms and can only be known on condition that we have defined the concept of the specificity of its historical temporality and its punctuations ( continuous development , revolutions , breaks , etc . ) .
25 Whilst it is not suggested that such behaviour is common , the temptation to copy , or at least to fail to acknowledge the other thesis as a source , is made stronger by the knowledge that such unscrupulous acts are very difficult to detect , because the original works , if unpublished , may only be known to the researchers and to their supervisors .
26 The universal , the totality , can only be known through the singular .
27 In such a case where the true facts can only be known by the defence the prosecution could aver that the driver was unlicensed .
28 Now if ‘ I can only be known by description , and the only description which is true of it is ‘ that group of mental states , caused by the same living body ’ of which the envy and my judgement are members ' , it follows that anyone who does not describe ‘ I ’ in that way , will not know what ‘ I ’ means , and so will mean nothing when he says ‘ I was envious yesterday ’ .
29 These days much is known about the socio-economic composition of the population thanks largely to the national census .
30 The technique outlined below is known as progressive muscular relaxation and is one of the easiest to master .
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