Example sentences of "[adv] [be] left [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Lydan has only been left with her memories since her husband died .
2 It turned out that she lived in some place called Romford and as she was due to take me back there the day after the funeral I had only been left with a few hours to make a decision .
3 Had no such provision been made , and had it merely been left to the initiative of backbenchers to keep an eye on instruments tabled , it is highly probable that many instruments would become or remain law with never a critical eye being cast over them .
4 It could only be left to each Group Organiser to weigh up the pros and cons of the situation .
5 Less was left to the vagaries of the opera-house system , and the creators stood more chance of seeing their ideas realised faithfully .
6 He is working in an expansive form : the field of panoramic realism which , since the 19th century , has largely been left to writers of commercial fiction .
7 it 's just been left with
8 A small armaments industry is now well underway in the Loyalist paramilitary world and security chiefs fear that large fertiliser based bombs similar to those constructed by the IRA will soon be left on streets in Nationalist areas .
9 Only Georgia among the former Soviet republics would thus be left without diplomatic relations with the USA .
10 David Eccles , the Minister of Education since 1959 , registered a growing public concern with the content of education — what was to be taught , and how , and to whom — and a spreading belief that such questions could no longer be left to the professionals .
11 The RSPCA has always been in favour of whips being carried for the reasons outlined by Luhnenschloss , but its assistant chief veterinary officer , Alastair Mews , said : ‘ Future decisions can no longer be left to tradition , habit , or hearsay but must be based on good science .
12 For example , it suggests that Quadrant 1 might best be left to the ‘ scientists ’ , with ‘ cultivate ’ instead of ‘ manage ’ being the modus operandi ( Breton and Gold , 1987 ) .
13 Community care proposals were perceived by many NHS staff as essentially to do with social care , something which could best be left to the local authorities .
14 But the last ground , the ‘ need ’ for new licence premises , is questioned and the Government seeks views as to whether the question of ‘ need ’ should best be left to market forces .
15 He meant , of course , that anything beautiful , anything worthwhile , should not just be left to experts — we should all be in there enjoying it , taking part in it .
16 But it must n't just be left to the activists to recruit .
17 It is was really erm the question of how many other P P Gs could be taken as read er if we decide that P P G seven could just be left on its own and not included in the structure plan .
18 He has submitted that the money in court should not be paid out unless the court is satisfied that the interim government are indeed the Government of Somalia and that , as the court should not be satisfied that this is the case , the money should meanwhile be left in court .
19 In these days of high land values and intensive land use it is comforting to the conservationists among us to see areas such as Threipmuir Common being designated as a Site of Special Interest and thus being left to nature .
20 ‘ Because that 's the impression I 've always been left with .
21 On the other hand , it may be that this is wishful thinking and that , in practical terms , the award of damages for illegality is incompatible with the theory of judicial review because it can not be reconciled with the idea that the ultimate decision must usually be left to the public authority .
22 Someone has to do it , and given the sexual division of labour which itself is reinforced by urban planning ( Harman , 1983 ) , it will usually be left to the women .
23 What are called ‘ proofs for the existence of God ’ are not attempts to show that there must be a divine kind of thing ( we have no concept of a divine kind of thing ) , they just seek to show that if and when all other questions were answered we would still be left with this mystery : and this is what we shall call ‘ God ’ .
24 Humane destruction is not easy to face and even if your pet drifts off peacefully in your arms , you can still be left with a feeling of guilt .
25 [ I ] f the insider is a substantial shareholder , the damages paid by him will , in part , indirectly return to him and he will still be left with a net profit on the transaction …
26 But your difficulty , surely , is that even if sanctions had worked for a year or even two years , you would still be left with that formidable monster of a regime …
27 Service If it all stopped there you 'd still be left with a very capable and complete utility , but the people at Rupp seem to have taken another class of user into consideration — the user who wants to ‘ dock ’ a portable into a desktop setup and use its drives and printers in a sort of client/server networking fashion .
28 And you would only you you Yes you 'd meet more of the affordable requirement no doubt , than you would at the lower figures , but in my view , you 'd still be left with some fairly substantial problems in particular areas .
29 The surface of the etch-resist ink might wash off in the developer but a layer of ink can still be left on the board , because the UV light has not had enough time to penetrate all the way through the resist .
30 THE JOCKEY CLUB are moving the goalposts next week in an attempt to update the sport -but most punters will still be left in the dark .
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