Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] outside the " in BNC.

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1 Why is it , for example , that every single Trust employee above the level of gardener 's mate speaks with an exquisite Wykehamist accent of the kind rarely heard outside the better cavalry regiments ?
2 Proposals to improve the quality of life coincided with the tenure of the National Unity Government under the initial premiership of Shimon Peres , widely regarded outside the territories as the most promising Israeli proponent of a peace settlement .
3 Of course , such con- ditions did not disgrace every mill , nor were they wholly absent outside the factory system .
4 The notion that there was such a country as France , at a time when the royal authority was very little recognized outside the narrow boundaries of the royal domain , the Île de France , was fostered by the legend of Charlemagne .
5 The answer , if one were to be found , quite obviously lay outside the restrictive confines of manly pursuit .
6 When man and woman were innocent the Evil One 's power was not great enough to take the world by force : he could only operate outside the human race as a whisperer of lies and delusions .
7 They categorised all applicants , genuine or otherwise , who were unable or unwilling to specify their long term intentions , as necessarily falling outside the ambit of the rules and thus doomed to inevitable failure when applying for entry clearance .
8 It is with meaning , as the publicly accessible and thus objective constituent of texts , that literary criticism must be concerned ; effect , being both variable and private , is much better left outside the field of enquiry .
9 But in ritual liminality they are placed , so to speak outside the total system … transiently , they become men apart .
10 Although Southall itself may be deemed ’ safe ’ from racial attacks , one has only to step outside the 4 sq miles to realise the extent to which women 's lives are determined by the fear of violence .
11 His Great Tower or ‘ Yellow Tower ’ of Gwent is strikingly positioned outside the castle walls and its strength was almost sufficient to defy Cromwell 's demolition engineers .
12 The Foundation 's director , Valmik Thapar , also criticized the project 's failure to take into account the needs of local people living on the fringes of the reserves , some of whom were forcibly relocated outside the boundaries when the parks were created .
13 These plans for a fundamental reshaping of democracy in Britain find little support outside the party , but there are those who consider that the interaction between parliamentary and extra-parliamentary action constitutes a dual strategy that provides a viable third road to socialism .
14 The two others — a common foreign and defence policy , and police and judicial co-operation — would be decided by meetings of relevant EC government ministers and thus remain outside the EC decision-making machinery .
15 She might have had a brief illness best treated outside the home , or it is possible that the balance of her mind was disturbed in some way .
16 Now do I just wait outside the classroom ?
17 You just wait outside the gate , Gillian just waits outside her gate .
18 There was a line already forming outside the cinema for the next performance ; Gary was n't in it , but he was waiting to one side where a number of cutoff cast-iron pillars made an ideal site for leaning and lounging .
19 Studies of the natural constraints on learning suggest that what is learnt , and when , is probably under a genetic surveillance so that learning does not normally occur outside the context of an evolutionary stable strategy .
20 My clients were relieved , but the brothers , George and Mike Stevens , were not , and had made their feelings plain to Andrew Buccleuth in language that he did not normally hear outside the fringe theatre , of which he was a generous patron .
21 The first is that in making a prohibited steps order prohibiting the parents from having any contact with each other the justices erred in law as contact between adults is not a step which could be taken by a parent in meeting a parent 's responsibility for a child and thus falls outside the terms of section 8(1) of the Children Act 1989 , by which a prohibited steps order means an order that no step which could be taken by a parent in meeting his parental responsibility for a child and which is of a kind specified in the order shall be taken by any person without the consent of the court .
22 The local authority appealed against the orders and sought an interim care order on the grounds that ( 1 ) the justices had erred in law when they had made the order preventing the parents from having contact with each other as contact between adults was not a step which could be taken by a parent in meeting his responsibilities towards his child and thus fell outside the terms of section 8(1) of the Children Act 1989 ; ( 2 ) there had been no application for a section 8 order and before exercising powers under section 10(1) ( b ) of the Act of 1989 the justices should have invited the parties to make representations , and the failure to do so was a material irregularity ; ( 3 ) the justices , having found as a fact that the parents had been in continuous contact and there were grounds for believing that the children would suffer harm , had been plainly wrong in refusing to make the interim care order in respect of both children in that they had failed to have regard to the facts that both parents had colluded over injuries to D. , the mother had lied when she had stated that there had been no contact with the father , the father had been in breach of a bail order there had been a violent incident on 23 November 1991 which had involved both parents , the mother had refused to be accommodated with the children in a mother and baby home , and the mother had changed her mind about the adoption of R. ; and ( 4 ) in all the circumstances the order which would have been in the best interests of the children and which the justices should have made was an interim care order .
23 The Indians could not install table games like baccarat and poker ; but they could introduce any other sort of gambling already allowed outside the reservation , including off-track betting and , if they could afford it , live races round a track .
24 Fourthly it is generally true to say that fewer people are required to operate such systems and those employed are normally kept outside the main storage area .
25 Eventually we said , ‘ the people are already queuing outside the hall , the concert starts in half an hour .
26 The Art he loved , be it musical , cinematic or literature , was art which just stretched outside the bounds of normality .
27 Just step outside the hotel and look at the sheep-dotted hills , whilst above birds of prey hover and swoop .
28 HIV is very fragile and soon dies outside the body .
29 Meanwhile , it can be noted that both academics and businessmen largely working outside the field of corporate finance have contributed significantly to the areas that King ( 1974 ) said needed addressing .
30 The basic pack , however , which is a two-volume much-abridged version , is widely sold outside the CAB .
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