Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] effect [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A possible explanation for this apparently delayed effect of the Black Death is that the first onset , despite its virulence , did not harm the economy as a whole as much as might have been expected , and that it was the continuing effect of later outbreaks which did the greater damage .
2 The Court of Appeal required the council to give such an undertaking , as a condition of the grant of an injunction , first because , as Dillon and Mann L.JJ. held , in English law the discretion to dispense with such an undertaking in cases where an injunction is sought to restrain an infringement of the criminal law is available only to give effect to a privilege of the Crown alone and does not extend to local authorities exercising the function of law enforcement ; and second because under Community law an undertaking must be given were necessary to protect any Community law right of direct effect which might possibly be affected .
3 Instead of banning corporal punishment outright , however , it sought merely to give effect to the Court 's ruling .
4 Send in the form at any time during the year , but it only takes effect at the beginning of the next tax year , in April .
5 The Act of 1975 was passed in May 1975 , but only took effect from 4 May 1976 .
6 The directive requiring this much took effect in 1980 , but Italy , after some sharp reminders , only altered its laws to conform last December .
7 This could even have the elusive and much desired effect of reducing the appeal of smoking as a ‘ grown up ’ activity through reconstructing it as an essentially teenage pursuit .
8 It is common ground that any power to make the order sought must be found in the Act , since the English courts have no inherent jurisdiction to act in aid of a foreign court and , as a matter of English domestic law , treaties only take effect as part of that law to the extent that they are incorporated by statute , with or without modification .
9 The Sussex campus , with its tastefully harmonized buildings in the modernist-Palladian style , arranged in elegant perspective at the foot of the South Downs a few miles outside Brighton , was much admired by architects , but had a somewhat disorienting effect on the young people who came to study there .
10 The court should thus give effect to the rules wherever possible , while at the same time seeking to avoid legalistic interpretation , particularly if this produces arbitrary or irrational results .
11 However , in the area of quality and fitness for purpose , the SGSA prescribes that any such warranties relating to those matters shall no longer have effect in such contracts to the extent that they fall within the scope of the SGSA .
12 At the same time it should be noted that if the description does not sound in contract , it may still have effect as a misrepresentation. ( c ) Exclusion of description requirement In the Harlingdon Ltd case it was argued , at first instance , that there was an actual usage or custom in the London art market which excluded the application of s13 .
13 Hans-Dietrich Genscher 's resignation as Foreign Minister formally took effect on May 18 [ not May 17 as given on p. 38872 ] as anticipated .
14 Despite this tension the Patriotic Front and the PLO had a deeply politicizing effect on the inhabitants of the territories during the period 1973–5 .
15 The fundamental purpose of legislation is to create , amend or repeal law , thereby giving effect to the intentions of Parliament .
16 The Board of Education has now given effect to the intimation conveyed by Mr. Acland and vaguely announced by him at the Annual meeting .
17 The pro-divorce camp were quick to spot the traditional Irish view that written laws and authoritative words have a radically structuring effect on reality .
18 The English courts had to consider the meaning of the phrase ‘ civil or commercial matter ’ as used in section 9(1) of the Evidence ( Proceedings in Other Jurisdictions ) Act 1975 , passed mainly to give effect to the Convention ; the precise question was whether the evidence sought was ‘ for the purposes of civil proceedings … before the requesting court ’ within section 1 of the Act , the italicised phrase being interpreted in section 9 to mean proceedings in any civil or commercial matter .
19 The 1975 Act had been accepted in the Court of Appeal as having been passed mainly to give effect to the Hague Convention , but that purpose nowhere appears in the text of the Act which was also designed to replace earlier United Kingdom legislation , notably the Foreign Tribunals Evidence Act 1856 in which the phrase ‘ civil or commercial matter ’ was used in a context wholly divorced from any international convention and which formed part of the law of many Commonwealth ( and common law ) countries .
20 This was certainly not the case in respect of the Geneva Conventions Act where the offences were newly created solely to give effect to the Convention , and were described as being hardly applicable to the case at all .
21 The formation of the Metropolitan County Councils and their respective Passenger Transport Authorities would begin to have a far reaching effect on the future of many lines and stations .
22 However , Matza is anxious to avoid romanticising deviance ; he sees this as having an equally distorting effect by obscuring ‘ the seamier and more mundane aspects of the world ’ .
23 Why was it that he had this profoundly unsettling effect on her ?
24 For the whole basis of Sartre 's argument is that the dialectic of history is not a metaphysical law , ‘ some powerful unitary force revealing itself behind History like the will of God ’ , but the continuously produced effect of individual conflicts ; each action is in its turn subsumed as a part of the whole in an ever broader , developing totalization ( I , 37 ) .
25 From the time of the resurrection of handmade table ware in the United Kingdom to the present day , the booms in sales of craft ware follows closely the introductions of major technological changes and their ever increasingly felt effect on all aspects of life .
26 Indeed , both he and Valentine see the needs of teleworking providing additional momentum behind the delivery of solutions that would have an equally telling effect on the use of technology that would still go on inside the office .
27 This is argued to have a potentially destabilizing effect on the stock market .
28 Some researchers emphasise the potentially arousing effect of watching aggressive contact sports ( Goldstein and Arms , 1971 ; Harrell , 1981 ; Russell , 1983 ) .
29 New noise standards would then take effect in April 1995 , with emissions rules coming into operation in 1996 and being tightened further in 2003 .
30 The orders therefore give effect without modification to their recommendations and I hope the house will approve them .
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