Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] a leading " in BNC.

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1 They made realistic models of different types of cuckoo eggs ( realistic enough to fool a leading British ornithologist who unwittingly recorded one as part of a clutch he discovered ) and placed them in the nests of reed warblers to examine the response of the hosts .
2 The SDP leader Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson had declared that his party could not continue to participate in the previous PP-SDP-PA centre-left coalition arrangement without a clear consensus on two key policy issues : Iceland 's position in EFTA negotiations with the European Communities ( EC ) , in which he had personally played a leading role as Foreign Minister , and a proposed US$1,000 million project to build a new aluminium smelting plant south of Reykjavik .
3 If the hon. Gentleman and some brewers say that prices will increase , I can only quote a leading national newspaper which said : ’ Why should a pint be a pint everywhere but in a pub ?
4 Mr Mohamed Al Fayed thus obliged a leading French newspaper to substantiate , by implication , a grand version of his personal history that has turned out to be false . ’
5 The trial and disgrace of Olavide by the Inquisition in 1778 was a penalty for the tactless folly of a man who could not resist mocking superstitious priests ; its significance is that the Inquisition could still destroy a leading statesman .
6 The DET also plays a leading role in the drawing up of syllabuses and work programmes , the setting and marking of exams , and the approval of textbooks and other materials .
7 The fact that the working class also plays a leading role in the production process : that the old production hierarchy is turned upside down ; that the old ‘ relation ’ of domination and slavery … is absent .
8 From a clerical family background , he also became a leading lay Anglican churchman .
9 The Gas Turbine division has also played a leading role in this area and is pioneering the concept of total maintenance [ health care ] contracts for critical power packs both on and offshore .
10 Similarly the FDP campaign was dominated by Hans-Dietrich Genscher , the longstanding Foreign Minister who had also played a leading role in the unification process , and FDP posters urged the electorate to " Vote for the Germany the world trusts ! " .
11 The Ministry of Information had also played a leading part in lauding the military qualities of the Soviet ally , and indeed many other of its domestic accomplishments : in February 1943 it organised a meeting at the Albert Hall to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the foundation of the Red Army .
12 They also play a leading role in financial services , agribusinesses and timber .
13 It will be appropriate to end this discussion by recognizing the fact that it is fundamentally on account of Christ 's maleness that still today , throughout the greater part of Christendom ( and in countries where women now play a leading part in public life ) , women may still not be ordained .
14 Like other Marranos in London , Carvajal prayed at the Catholic chapel of the Spanish ambassador , while simultaneously playing a leading role in the secret Jewish community , which met at the clandestine synagogue at Creechurch Lane .
15 However , the problems were so huge and required so much finance that other resources were required and the European Community has now taken a leading role .
16 The young earls who attended the Dunstable tournament were now to take a leading part in Edward 's wars , and with a new generation of earls came a new strategy .
17 Edward Cody of the AP and I once came to the conclusion that in every interview we conducted in Lebanon , a special chair should be set aside for The Plot — since The Plot invariably played a leading role in all discussions we ever had with politicians , diplomats or gunmen .
18 The Left Book Club once again took a leading part , organizing canvassers from surrounding areas , including Cripps ' Labour stronghold in East Bristol .
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