Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] bad as " in BNC.

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1 She did n't offer her own opinion , not because she thought Paul 's design was necessarily as bad as Stephen claimed , but because she had a hunch that , in time , he could come up with something really sensational instead of merely pedestrian .
2 ‘ Although , looking back , the recession was not perhaps as bad as it might have been , it did nevertheless cause some strains between booksellers and publishers , ’ the new president of the Publishers Association , Sir Roger Elliott of OUP , acknowledged .
3 Back the maid went , only to reappear shaking her head sorrowfully and saying this headache was so very bad as to quite incapacitate the invalid and render her unfit even for Wilson .
4 Some parts of Nottingham [ are ] so very bad as hardly to be surpassed in misery by anything to be found within the entire range of our manufacturing cities .
5 A losing attitude will be one that says , ‘ Today is going to be just as bad as yesterday — boring , hard work and uninteresting . ’
6 I like a picture to be fairly full as if it is too empty it can become boring to look at after a few months , but it is very easy to get carried away with all your lovely pressed flowers and try to fit them all into one picture — using too many flowers looks just as bad as not using enough .
7 I thought I 'm just as bad as you know everybody else really .
8 Some who failed to find work remained unemployed and dependent on family or charity ; others resorted to domestic contract outwork , where the conditions were just as bad as anything in nineteenth-century Europe .
9 I reckon the prison staff are just as bad as the police , in their own way .
10 ‘ But if Medoc does summon Crom Croich , ’ said another soldier , ‘ he 'll send out the Conablaiche to tear people 's hearts from their bodies , and that 's just as bad as the Erl-King . ’
11 They have quite a few biscuits for snacks although that 's probably just as bad as eating sweets — even the reduced-sugar teething rusks I give Jake taste quite sweet .
12 Being aggressive is just as bad as being submissive it really is because people swing to one side you know it some people are very good at being aggressive and are very good at diving in and getting their own way and just ju by being aggressive it 's naturally aggressive .
13 If she let herself believe even a word of that then she would be just as bad as they were !
14 I think there 's a danger that you can go over the top with praise , in that you 're anxious to give quality feedback , the thing that you have to be careful with is that it 's not just meaningless like that , because that can be just as bad as giving negative feedback .
15 We leave the book with a clear image of war which was in the last line , we are just as bad as the boys on that island , that is what man is like .
16 forgotten all about it , anyway she found a little dent apparently our Laura said that 's just as bad as finding lumps .
17 I 've got to the point now , I kick him and tell him to turn over , he turns it over and it 's just as bad as before .
18 Just as bad as open or closed .
19 Then he put his arm round her and his wife wo n't curtsy , she 's Dutch , the Dutch are just as bad as anybody now , just lately , I mean lot of these terrorists get in through Holland do n't they ?
20 And I was saying but I 'm not cos I mean like day weeks he goes yeah but you 're just as bad as all the rest of them , you would be and he would n't say anything , you know , he would n't even tell me that .
21 It 's funny , I thought about sweeteners the other day , I think it 's just as bad as sugar , I think .
22 He 's not normally as bad as this !
23 If the worst of it all , he often thought , ended in a place like this , then nothing was ever so bad as you pretended .
24 Half the time that 's er , if it 's still as bad as it was
25 No recurrent attack is ever as bad as the primary one , and the frequency , severity , and duration of subsequent attacks all tend to diminish .
26 None of my many subsequent ‘ deaths ’ were ever as bad as that first one .
27 Jesus , am I ever as bad as this ?
28 Even in that period , reactions were not always as bad as these ; in 1618 the water-poet John Taylor had a wonderful Scottish holiday ( having gone there , as a result of a bet with Ben Jonson , without money , so that his account stands as a testimony to the generosity of the Scots ) .
29 That evening , at the Royal in Tipperary , John asked MacMinimum if that was really so — was the distress always as bad as they had seen it today ?
30 You will find it is n't nearly so bad as you expected !
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