Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] sure that " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm no longer even sure that once will be enough .
2 Grainne was no longer quite sure that they were real , for the Castle seemed to her to be so brimful of lingering emotions and the resonances of the past that the footsteps might have belonged to the distant past , or the far-off future , or to a world outside Ireland altogether .
3 I was ever so sure that er that that there was a goodly number of er er er well there was a qu quite a substantial fall in the in the in the donkey population , er
4 He was pleased that he and his wife had been able to talk to the doctor but he was still not sure that he understood about either the X-rays of his bowel or the surgery which might be necessary .
5 He was still not sure that he believed that story , but in her misery was prepared to go along with her .
6 I was also fairly sure that no such variety existed .
7 Er I 'm not really quite sure that Bedford take that sort of really interest in our affairs actually , certainly based on those
8 Our American Allies were all out to see this job through and were full of stories of the RAF on the first trip which was so successful and were even more sure that the second run would be better .
9 Ace ducked , certain that Defries would land on top of her and then equally sure that nothing of the sort was about to happen .
10 And suddenly she was no longer sure that it was scales .
11 No longer sure that she could believe it , but still determined to make the best of her marriage , Julia managed to pull herself away from David .
12 When my hon. Friend began his question , I intended to say that it was a matter for the Catering Committee , but I am no longer sure that it is .
13 ‘ Yes , even in Minnie , who 's so unlikely that she 's probably true — there probably has been someone who grew up as she did , saloon-wise and card-sharping yet quite sure that she wants nothing to do with the kind of messing around she 's seen under her parents ’ roof .
14 Er I know that there was quite a business about this , but er I was n't an eyewitness , er and I did n't er I 'm never so sure that er I I did n't get the I did n't get the details right .
15 It is suggestive that North , in his weary notes , was never quite sure that the Lord would help .
16 A Chinaman of the T'ang Dynasty — and , by which definition , a philosopher — dreamed he was a butterfly , and from that moment he was never quite sure that he was not a butterfly dreaming it was a Chinese philosopher .
17 She had always known that Finn would reappear , because for a time they always did , never quite sure that the new woman was an improvement on the old one , keeping their options open .
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